A reactive client library with support for RabbitMq and experimental support for google pubsub (TBR), using reactive extensions for .net
for rabbitmq:
docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
or for the google pubsub version you can run an emulator like
docker run --rm -ti -p 8681:8681 -e PUBSUB_PROJECT1=test-proj,topic1:subscription1 messagebird/gcloud-pubsub-emulator:latest
Usage of a mailman is dead simple:
using AliceMQ.Core.Message;
using AliceMQ.Core.Types;
using AliceMQ.Rabbit.MailBox;
using AliceMQ.Rabbit.Mailman;
//for for g pubsub version: using AliceMQ.PubSub;
//parameters are slightly different..
var source = new Source("A", "A.q");
var endPoint = new EndPoint();
var sink = new Sink(source);
var serialization = new JsonSerializerSettings
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error
var p = new Mailman(endPoint, source.Exchange, s => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(s, serialization));
//first message published creates exchange if non existent
p.PublishOne(new Msg(-1),"");
Now let's see the simplest form of consumer, which is just a thin layer from the real MQ system...
Consumer subscription is identical for every type, giving an istance of an IObservable (rx).
using AliceMQ.Mailbox;
var mb = new SimpleMailbox(endPoint, sink);
using var d = mb.Subscribe(am =>
Console.WriteLine("A - " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(am.EventArgs.Body));
am.Channel.BasicAck(am.EventArgs.DeliveryTag, false);
let's consider an example DTO class Msg, the typed consumer is build upon the common consumer, which is enhanced with message body deserialization into an istance of a generic T type.
var sfm = new Mailbox<Msg>(endPoint, sink, s => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Msg>(s, serialization));
using var d = sfm.Subscribe(am =>
if (am.IsOk<Msg>())
var msg = am.AsOk<Msg>().Message;
Console.WriteLine("ok - " + msg.Bla);
Console.WriteLine("error - " + am.AsError().Ex.Message);
ex => Console.WriteLine("COMPLETE ERROR"),
() => Console.WriteLine("COMPLETE"));