lita-key-value is a handler for Lita that stores snippets of text.
Add lita-key-value to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-key-value"
(Regexp) - Determines what Lita will recognize as a valid key. Default:/[\w\._]+/
(Proc) - A custom callable that determines how each key will be normalized before being stored in Redis. The proc should take one argument, the key as matched via regular expression, and return one value, the normalized version of the key.
Lita.configure do |config|
config.handlers.key_value.key_pattern = /[\w-]+/
config.handlers.key_value.key_normalizer = proc { |key| "~#{key}~" }
Set a key:
You: Lita, kv set google
Lita: Set google to
Get a key:
You: Lita, kv get google
Delete a key:
You: Lita, kv delete google
Lita: Deleted google.
List keys:
You: Lita, kv list
Lita: google, heart, something.else
Search for keys:
You: Lita, kv search amaninacan
Lita:, hello.amaninacan
By default, keys are restricted to alphanumeric characters, underscores, and periods. Values can contain character.