A production/demo environment of the GUI-app can be found at:
You can connect with mongo database via a GUI client like for example; RoboMongo (many others are out there). In your client, use the following credidentials:
port: 27000
use_authentication: yes
database: webretrieval
username: webretrieval
password: tue
We need a so called ‘driver’ to enable our python scripts to communicate with the database. You can install it like so:
- install mongoDB driver for python: download pip-installer script at https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py open a terminal
- in the same window as the script you just downloaded
- run: python get-pip.py
- run: python -m pip install pymongo
Google it
Tomas Sostak: 0853329 Main Code file: . +-- /app/search/vsr.py
Zelong Hu: 0942976 Main Code file: . +-- /Component2/ID_Keywords.py +-- /Component2/version3.py +-- /Component2/version4.py +-- /Component2/upload.py
Jiapeng Li: 1285130 Main Code file: . +-- Component2/component2b/
Chin-Fang Lin: 1035955 Main Code file: . +-- /Component3/dtm.ipynb
Qifan Dai : 1034548 Main Code file: . +-- /Component3/ATM_final.ipynb
Jeroen Brouns: 0856180 . +-- Component1/ | +-- reference_improved.py - Reference mining script | +-- repository.py - Repostiory class that contains calls to MongoDB rep. | +-- authentication.py - File that configures connection to the self-hosted MongoDB | +-- PageRank_exportToDb.py - Pagerank calculation of MongoDB entries | +-- Graph.py - Creates a graph from mined references in database
All not mentioned files are ‘supporting scripts’. They are functional and necessary, but not worth mentioning. There are also some script (for example, reference_fuzzywuzzy.py) which are experimental and not used in the final product.
Main Code file: app/manage.py Potentially start your own server by firing the terminal command: python manage.py runserver
It is however recommended to visit the deployed production version of our platform at:
The graphical user interface that encapsulates all our system’s functionality is created in Django. Django’s files are structured as follows: app/ - Root folder manage.py - Startpoint for the system app/ - Main component root init.py - Initializing file urls.py - URL routes that map urlrequest to view-controllers wsgi.py - Specification file for setting up a communication gateway* settings.py - Framework settings. A.o. static files declaration, allowed hosts. search/ migrations/ templates/ - Folder with .html files that serve as ‘views’ for the MVC. authentication.py - File that configures connection to the self-hosted MongoDB repository.pyp - Decoupled repostiory class that contains calls to MongoDB rep. view.py - Controller class. urls.py - URL routes that map urlrequest to view-controllers vsr.py - Decoupled VectorSpaceRetrieval class youtube.py - Youtube crawler, used in view.py model.py - Model class with models of sqlite databases static/serch - Static assets such as .css / .js files
*It uses Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) technology. WSGI is a specification for simple and universal interface between web servers and web applications or frameworks for the Python programming language. Django requires the creation of a virtual environment with specific python versions, configuration of apache handlers and path variables to be able to deploy the system on a dedicated server.