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Deployable ASED email infrastructure using Mailinabox setup and this API specification. The purpose of this project is to allow ASED systems to task and receive emails from some organizations imap/smtp email servers.

Mailinabox setup

Box set up with curl -s | sudo bash

More details for Mailinabox setup can be found here

View all mail

   11 adduser --system --home /var/archive/mail/ --no-create-home --disabled-password mailarchive
   12  mkdir /var/archive
   13  mkdir /var/archive/mail
   14  adduser --system --home /var/archive/mail/ --no-create-home --disabled-password mailarchive
   15  mkdir -p /var/archive/mail/tmp
   16  mkdir -p /var/archive/mail/cur
   17  mkdir -p /var/archive/mail/new
   18  chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/archive
   19  postconf -e always_bcc=mailarchive@localhost
   20  echo "mailarchive: /var/archive/mail/" >> /etc/aliases
   21  newaliases
   22  /etc/init.d/postfix restart

all mail shows up in /var/archive/mail/new

Web access

Mailinabox web mail access can be accessed at

The Mailinabox admin control panel can be accessed at

(This assumes that you have followed the mailinabox recommendation for your machine's hostname)

Install kafka and redis

The seemail code pipes incoming/outgoing emails into a kafka topic, and uses redis for keeping track of active/inactive bot accounts. Refer to the kafka and redis quickstart instructions.

Install seemail code and Swagger API

Clone this repo by using git clone and make sure required python packages are installed with pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

From the API site use the export button in the top right to export the Server Stub (as python-flask). Unzip the resulting file to a location on your machine - I created a server_stub directory in the seemail directory to use. Change directory to the unzipped folder and make sure the requirements are installed with pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

In, change the hard coded seemail_path variable to point to wherever you cloned this repo. If you did a non-standard mailinabox install you may also have to change the mail_home variable in and Then copy the file to server_stub/swagger_server/controllers/, overwriting the file that is already there.

Start background processes

We recommend running each of the following commands in their own Screen (or similar tool) sessions. Commands as written assume the user is in the top level seemail directory.

python3 server_code/

cd server_stub; python3 -m swagger_server (reminder: server_stub is where the swagger API file was unzipped)

Note that the server uses the Mailinabox management packages for some actions, so it needs to be run as a user with permissions to access the /root/mailinabox/management directory (if your mailinabox management scripts installed somewhere else, that path will need to be changed in the imports section of

Set up bot email daemon (optional)

To generate email traffic on the machine (and thus output to the kafka topic), there is a daemon that can be run to have bot email accounts send emails (dummy text and occasionally an attachment) back and forth. This requires creating a few bot email accounts via the createBotAccount API method - for an example of how to use this, see

In addition to the packages in requirements.txt, the bot email daemon requires nltk and the gutenberg corpus. These can be installed/downloaded with pip3 install nltk; python3 -c 'import nltk;'gutenberg')'.

Once that is done, the daemon can be run (in a Screen session or similar, preferably) simply with python3 [attachment file]. The daemon is set up to send an email every 40-60 minutes between 9AM and 6PM.


The examples directory has scripts to demonstrate two ways to interact with the server. Examples of calling each of the API methods are found in An example of creating a consumer to ingest and display emails coming off of the email kafka topic is found in The kafka example script can also take kafka topic name as an optional parameter to subscribe to a topic other than the default "email" (for example, "history").


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