This is a test suite, written using the Jepsen distributed systems testing
library, for
Redis-Raft. It provides a single
workload (jepsen.redis.append
) based on list append, implemented using
, which uses Elle to find transactional anomalies up to strict serializability.
We include a wide variety of faults, including network partitions, process crashes, pauses, clock skew, and membership changes.
You'll need a Jepsen cluster running Debian 9, which you can either build yourself or run in AWS via Cloudformation.
The control node needs a JVM, Graphviz, and the Leiningen build system. The first two you can get (on Debian) via:
sudo apt install openjdk8-jdk graphviz
Jepsen will automatically install dependencies (e.g. git, build tools, various
support libraries) on DB nodes, and clone and build both Redis and Redis-Raft
locally on each DB node (to avoid cross-compilation issues). To do this, root
on each DB node will need an SSH key with access to the Redis-Raft repo on
GitHub, and the GitHub public SSH key in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
---see below.
To get started, try
lein run test-all
To test a particular GIT SHA of Redis or Redis-Raft, pass --version
, respectively. You may also want to specify a particular
username and what DB nodes you'd like to use, and provide a custom
for each test. To run several iterations of each test, use
. A thorough test run might look like:
lein run test-all --username admin --nodes-file ~/nodes --raft-version 73ad833 --time-limit 600 --test-count 10
To focus on a particular set of faults, use --nemesis
lein run test-all --nemesis partition,kill
To see all options, try
lein run test-all --help
Cloning into 'redis'...
Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Redis-Raft is a private repo, and we clone it directly from Github. That means your root user on each DB node will need an SSH key with read access to that repo installed on each DB node, and git on each DB node will need to know about the SSH key for GitHub. You should verify the host key from GH directly, rather than keyscanning it. If you like to live dangerously, which, again, you should not, you can blindly accept whatever key you get via:
ssh n1 "sudo bash -c 'ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts'"
ssh n2 ...
ssh n3 ...
Copyright © 2020 Jepsen, LLC
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at