The initial Open Computer Vision library was originally developed by Intel Corporation. Recent development has been headed by Willow Garage, Inc.
Current OpenCV Sourceforge Project
Earlier OpenCV Sourceforge Project
Ruby/OpenCV Author’s Web Page
OpenCV Ruby Wrapper
First release rubygems, Some OpenCV functions wrapped.
This gem relies on the OpenCV project. There are a number of ways to install the library. Building the latest from source is preferred on OSX:
This also contains the data for the default cascades.
You can install by cloning this repository:
git clone git://
Then inside the ruby-opencv folder run:
ruby ext/extconf.rb make sudo make install
Once installed it is possible to show images via GUI Window.
require "rubygems" gem "opencv" require "opencv" image = OpenCV::IplImage.load("sample.jpg") window ="preview") OpenCV::GUI::wait_key
For more samples, see examples/*.rb
Here is a sample face detection program that doesn’t rely on the GUI components. In order for this to work you must copy the OpenCV haarcascades data into a subfolder called data.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "rubygems" require "opencv" if ARGV.length < 2 puts "Usage: your_app_name source dest" exit end data = "./data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" detector = OpenCV::CvHaarClassifierCascade::load(data) image = OpenCV::IplImage.load(ARGV[0]) detector.detect_objects(image) do |region| color = OpenCV::CvColor::Blue image.rectangle! region.top_left, region.bottom_right, :color => color end image.save_image(ARGV[1])
OpenCV 2.0 or later.
ffcall (optional)
The BSD Liscense
see LICENSE.txt