Common Lisp solver of some common word games. (Because my wife is great at boggle, and I am most certainly not.)
Currently contains a boggle solver, with plans to add a scrabble anagram solver and maybe some other stuff.
Contains functions that are common to many word games.
(build-dicts path)
Must be run before word-p
and prefix-p
can be called. Builds hash
tables of words using a given word list. The Official Scrabble
Player's Dictionary word list can be found in this repository. Other
word lists can be found here.
Note that this can take significant amounts of time (~3 seconds on my
machine), so you may want to save a lisp image after you have the
dictionary built.
If you don't want to use the included word list, please note that each
line of the file is being parsed using the following regex: ^([A-Z]{2,15})
(word-p string)
Predicate that tests whether or not string
is a word.
(prefix-p string)
Predicate that tests whether or not string
is a prefix of another
word. Note that in this implementation, a word is not a prefix of
Returns a random character according to it's frequency of use in English according to this table.
Can be used to generate boggle boards.
(make-instance 'board &rest initargs &key generator data (size 4) &allow-other-keys)
The size
slot is the size of the board (defaults to 4).
To fill the data
slot, you can either use the :data
initarg, in
which case its length must be (* size size)
(make-instance 'board :size 3 :data "foobarbaz")
or you can use the :generator
key and supply a function which takes
the row and column of the current position as arguments, and returns a
(make-instance 'boggle:board
:generator (lambda (i j)
(declare (ignore i j))
(board-print board)
Helper function that pretty-prints a board.
CL-USER> (boggle:board-print
(make-instance 'boggle:board
:size 3
:data "foobarbaz"))
f o o
b a r
b a z
(play-boggle board)
This does exactly what you'd expect.
CL-USER> (boggle:play-boggle
(make-instance 'boggle:board
:size 3
:data "foobarbaz"))
f o o
b a r
b a z
baboo bazar fora faro boor
boar bora roof baba abba
fob for far fab oba
oaf oar ora boo boa
rob baa bar aba fa
of or bo ba aa
ar ab za
(solve string)