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Release notes

liyuliang5 edited this page Nov 8, 2024 · 31 revisions


  1. BUG Fix:Fix BpmnFlowParser parse jsonPrettySchema exception
  2. BUG Fix:Adjust Recording flow execution history switch(FlowConstants.FLOW_PROPERTY_RECORD_HISTORY)process logic
  3. Function Change:Catch exception in COMPLETE Event of FlowEngine
  4. Function Enhance:Supporting exp format of EventNodeAction
  5. Function Enhance:Supporting start node of FlowNodeAction
  6. Function Enhance:More flexible configuration of post handler
  7. Other:Change test cases directory


  1. Function Enhance: add filter of NodePreHandler and NodePostHanlder.


  1. Function Enhance:Add Event support on transition of fsm.
  2. Function Enhance:init style changed from listen ContextRefreshEvent to implementing SmartLifecycle interface.


  1. Function Enhance:Add interrupt ability of flow engine and fsm.
  2. Bug Fix:Fix fug about parsing 'createExp' of fsm.


  1. Function Enhance: Bpmn flow definition add self PreHandler and Action ability.
  2. Function Enhance: Flow engine and Fsm add init check.
  3. Bug Fix: Fix bpmn parellel gateway bug.


  1. New Feature: Flow definition and flow parser support customize elements. Demo can be seen in funcall_test_001.json of easyflow-extension moduel.
  2. New Feature: Add ReusableThreadFlowRunner for parallel nodes.
  3. Function Enhance: Supporting put null value into Param、Result and Context.
  4. Function Enhance: Add preNodes property in pre part of flow definition. Demo can be seen in flow_prehandler_001.json.
  5. New Feature: Add FlowUtil and FsmUtil for accessing node or state properties.
  6. Module Adjust: Add easyflow-flow-extension module for extension function of jd-easyflow.
  7. New Feature: Add FunCall(Function Call) function supporting param transfer.
  8. New Feature: Add FlowSession supporting data transfer cross flow request.


1、New Feature: Adding Flow level PreHandler and PostHandler.


  1. New Feature: Add InterruptNodeAction and InterruptFlowListener in easyflow-flow module.
  2. New Feature: Add parse listener in FlowParser and FsmParser.
  3. New Feature: Add more support about "Inclusive Gateway" in easyflow-bpmn module.
  4. New Feature: Add "Terminate End Event" support in easyflow-bpmn module.


  1. New Feature: Bpmn module adding Sub Process, Call Activity, Transaction, Loop support.
  2. Feature Enhance: Enhance function of FlowNodeAction.
  3. Feature Enhance: Upgrade bpmn js to v13.2.1.
  4. Other: Remove dependencies of commons-io and commons-collection.
  5. Other: Add database script about persistence(process-latest.sql).


  1. New Feature: Support multiple flow in one flow definition file
  2. New Feature: Bpmn module adding Complex Gateway、Pool、Data Store support
  3. Feature Enhance: Add log flag on flow definition
  4. Feature Adjust: Move LoopNodeAction to core module easyflow-flow


  1. Feature Enhance: Supporting more bpmn elements
  2. Bug Fix: Fix bpmn default flow converter bug


  1. Feature Adjust: Format of fsm and flow parse listener is changed to createExp format
  2. Feature Adjust: The name of Listener and Filter in BPMN panel is changed to Listeners and Filters


  1. New Feature: Flow and Fsm elements implement LifeCycle interface
  2. New Feature: Fsm add filter support


  1. Bug Fix: Fix escaped character incorrect issue when converting BPMN xml to json
  2. Feature Enhance: Adding 'category' form element on BPMN Designer
  3. Other: Adding field and index on database script


  1. Feature Enhance: Adding Biz Context to the Context of Flow Engine and Fsm Context & Adding dataMap to Result
  2. Feature Enhance: Adding properties to FlowEngine and FsmManager
  3. Feature Enhance: Adding timeout support on FlowEngine Multi-Thread Runner
  4. Feature Enhance: Adding row mode of properties element on BPMN Pannel
  5. Feature Enhance: Adding TransitionUtil for manually Post
  6. Performance Optimize: Optimize Map performance of SPEL root
  7. Performance Optimize: Change Stack to ArrayDeque of FlowContextImpl


  1. New Feature: Adding customizing ElEvaluator ability


  1. Function Adjust:Inner key prefix adjust to start with underline(_).
  2. Performance Optimize:Flow performance optimize
  3. Feature Enhance:Add methods and constants about namespace
  4. New Feature: Add POC class of flow engine and fsm


  1. Feature Enhance: Adding parentContext and parentNodeContext field in FlowContext, And applying to FlowNodeAction.
  2. Spel Mistake Correct:'seDataMap' method name in FlowParam、FlowResult、FsmParam and FsmResult correct to 'setDataMap'


  1. API MODIFY!: Decoupling common-lang3 jar. Replace org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair/Triple with com.jd.easyflow.flow.util.Pair/Triple
  2. Function Enhance: Adding listener and filter of FlowPreandler and FlowPostHandler
  3. Dependency Adjust: Changing the version of activiti-bpmn-converter from 7.1.134 to 7.1.0.M6


  1. New Feature: Adding timeout ciruit breaker in flow extension module
  2. Function Optimize: Adjusting Spring ApplicationContext of Flow Engine and Fsm Manager injecting manner


  1. Function Adjust:FlowContextImpl and FlowSessionImpl Support put null value (throw exception before)
  2. Function Adjust:The type of currentLoopIndex in LoopNodeAction change from int to long
  3. Function Adjust:Spel context in TimeoutNodeActionFilter adding timeoutConfig
  4. Function Enhance:Adding log flag in InclusiveCheckPreHandler/MultiCheckPreHandler/SessionMultiCheckPreHandler.


  1. Adjust log flag logic of flow engine.
  2. Add timeoutMillis on TimeoutNodeActionFilter and Add interruptOnTimeout on TimeoutTemplate.
  3. I18n adjustment.


  1. Bug Fix. Fix BPMN Designer Unique ID validation logic
  2. Dependency upgrade. Upgrade spring to 5.3.39
  3. Naming correct. Correct "pannel" to "panel" in BPMN Designer code


  1. New Feature Release. Open source process and task module.