simple wrapper around sane scanimage to scan images from nodejs.
This module is a wrapper around sane's scanimage
utility, you need to have sane installed.
sudo apt-get install sane
npm install --save sane-scanimage-wrapper
Returns a promise that is resolved to an Array of available devices.
var sane = require('sane-scanimage-wrapper');
/* output :
[ { name: 'epson2:net:',
vendor: 'Epson',
model: 'PID 0891',
type: 'flatbed scanner',
index: '0' } ]
Return a stream of the scaned image.
var sane = require('sane-scanimage-wrapper');
var fs = require('fs');
var scanner = new sane.Scanner();
Specify scan options :
var sane = require('sane-scanimage-wrapper');
var fs = require('fs');
var scanner = new sane.Scanner();
scanner.scan({ format: 'png', resolution: '150dpi'}).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('./output.png'));
Any options passed to the scan
method is appended to the underlying command line.