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Improved overload resolution

prunedtree edited this page Jan 10, 2011 · 25 revisions


Current overloads have two main issues:

  • They depend on code position of toplevel definitions (confusing for newbies, manageable for some, unacceptable for others, error-prone for all)
  • They depend on module loading order (much more problematic)

Proposed implementation


various syntaxes are possible....

Overload blocks

"overload" [ "(" [ module_list ] ")" ] ( function_definition | "{" [ function_definition ]* "}" )

// vectors.clay

overload () {
    Vector(s:'S) | Sequence?('S) {
    Vector(s:'S) | SizedSequence?('S) {
    Vector(rvalue s:Vector['T]) {

// randomaccesssequences.clay

overload (vectors, forwardsequences) {
    Vector(s:'S) | RandomAccessSequence?('S) {

// forwardsequences.clay

overload (vectors) Vector(s:'S) | ForwardSequence?('S) {

// customsequence.clay

overload Vector(s: FooSequence) {

overload Vector(s: BarSequence) {

Overload chain statements

"overload" [ "(" [ module_list ] ")" ] function_definition [ "shadow" function_definition ]*


  • overloads are a list of function definitions with a list of the modules whose definition they shadow
  • overload lists with empty module lists "()" overload nothing
  • overload lists with no specified module list implicitly overload all modules (including itself, thus order is irrelevant)
  • each module has at most one overload list with qualified modules per callable (you cannot have a callable in two qualified lists)
  • there can be several overload lists with no specified modules
  • definitions within one overload list will overload each-other based on list order (current semantics)
  • function definitions outside overload lists cannot overload other functions

Overloads form a DAG where every node points to the node(s) it overloads. If two definitions match a call site, but are unordered according the the DAG, then that ambiguity is a static error


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