This is a guided git and github tutorial. It is using the git-it desktop app by @jlord for a software engineering course.
(You start it by using a github classroom invitation from the course materials site).
- Downlad and install the git-it app from git-it downloads (direct link to a specific windows version)
- Start the app and follow all tutorial steps, verifying each one.
- Upon finishing, update the readme with:
- Your details below.
- Two screenshots (instead of the ones below), one showing that all the steps were verified (push the app title to get to this screen),and the other showing that you are a contributer to the tutorial repository, make sure to link to your images.
- Commit and push these changes to your private github repository until the deadline.
- Personal excercise: HW3 - version control with Git
- Name:
- ID#
- github username:
- Estimation of hours I worked on it:
Comments and wishes concerning this excercise:
Good luck!