This is a guided git tutorial composed of various steps. It is based on the gitimmersion excecise by @jimweirich and adopted to the JCE software engineering course.
You start it by a github classroom invitation from the course materials (and for others by forking to your account).
- Personal excercise: HW3 - version control with Git
- Name:
- ID#
- github username:
- Estimation of hours I worked on it:
Comments and wishes concerning this excercise:
- Red Note messages at different steps are emphasising special instructions or trap places.
- The .rb files in the tutorial are Ruby code files, the exact content and logic is usually not the focus here.
- Some commands apearing in the tutorial are unix shell commands (rather than git), if you work in a Windows shell you might need to find the equivalent (e.g. steps 11, 21-22). We recommend working with a git aware shell (like the Git Shell installed by GithubDesktop on Windows ot Git Bash install by git for windows).
- At each stage you can save your work to github by following the last lab step (53): pushing all work to your github account, and then continue elsewhere by cloning or pulling.
- Finally (step 53) push all your commits, branches and tags.
- If you have an improvement suggestion or a bug fix for this tutorial, please open an issue at the course repo, or send a PR with a fix.
- Install a git client (already exists on our Lab machines)
- Accept the excercise invitation, which will create a private copy of the repository (if you read this you probably did it already 😄)
- Clone your copy of the repository to your machine (e.g., with the green 'clone' button above)
- Follow the online tutorial (or the local version included inside this repository, here: ./docs/index.html). Start by clicking the green arrow with "Start Git Immersion".
- Use the left side menu to move beween steps until you complete the tutirial (quite a lot of the 53 steps are actually skipped, e.g., 46 to 52, see inside).
- Don't forget to push all changes back to github till the deadline including updating your details in this file (above).
Good luck!
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