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Gestalt Ui

Gestalt Ui written in React/Redux

build status coverage report


Install nvm

curl -o- | bash
nvm install 10
cd gestalt-ui-react
nvm use 10

Ensure that you nvm use 10 whenever you start a new terminal. You may optionally persist this setting by executing `nvm alias default 10

Install Binaries

npm install -g yarn

Install Dependencies

First time (and anytime dependencies are updated or changed)

yarn install


Start the webpack dev server and hosts gestalt-ui-react for development purposes. Navigate to http://localhost:8081

yarn dev

Production (Distribute Build)

Minify, optimize and compress for production deployment. Generates a /build directory can then be used for CI or statically hosted using your favorite http server.

yarn deploy

However, it is highly recommended that you pass a commit SHA to yarn deploy. The SHA will be appended to the version that displays in the ui.

For Example:

yarn deploy -- --sha `git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD`


If you wish to change Development or Production variables in gestalt-ui-react prior to building, you may do so by editing config.json. Otherwise, config.json can be automed via CI to inject the correct values before kicking off yarn deploy

Sample config.json:

  "development": {
    "API_URL": "",
    "SEC_API_URL": "",
    "API_TIMEOUT": 120000,
    "API_RETRIES": 5,
    "COMPANY_TITLE": "Galactic Fog",
    "COMPANY_URL": "",
    "APP_TITLE": "Gestalt",
    "DEFAULT_LANG": "en_us",
    "DEBUG": true,
  "production": {
    "API_URL": "/meta",
    "SEC_API_URL": "/security",
    "API_TIMEOUT": 120000,
    "API_RETRIES": 5,
    "COMPANY_TITLE": "Galactic Fog",
    "COMPANY_URL": "",
    "APP_TITLE": "Gestalt",
    "DEFAULT_LANG": "en_us",
    "DEBUG": false,


Full test suite without (no watch)

Runs all Tests without watching. Useful for automation with CI Tools.

yarn test

TDD Testing

Runs the app in watch mode, which allows you to watch the code and tests for changes with you as you TDD.

yarn test:tdd

If you encounter the error Error: EMFILE: too many open files, watch... you will need update update watchman. If you are in TDD mode it is probably a good idea (and faster) to use the jest options to filter the specific file(s) you want to test.

bew update
brew install watchman

Code Coverage

Simply opens a browser window with coverage results.

yarn test:coverage

Maintenance Modes

yarn packages - list installed packages
yarn purge - removes your node_modules folder.
yarn reinstall - removes your node_modules folder and does a npm install.
yarn killall - kills all node processes - useful if your webpack-dev-server address is in use
yarn stats - generates build stats that can be analyzed @


Galactic Fog Open Source Repo for Gestalt UI






No packages published
