In Automated Program Repair (APR), testing of patched code is always difficult.
Usually, evaluation of APR tools is done via test suites; however, these are not perfect oracles.
When dealing with APR of smart contracts, we have one advantage: The whole history of calls for all contracts is stored on-chain.
This means that we can extract all call data for any given contract, and replay it on a patched version.
This serves two purposes: (1) we can make sure that the patched version of the contract does not break the correct logic of the original contract, and (2) we can observe if the patch acually fixes a given fault observed at a given block.
STAPR is a tool that automates collects the call history of a smart contracts using TheGraph.
It does so in the following steps:
- Given a smart contract address and creation block
- It fetches the contract's source code
- It parses the source code an retrieves all callable functions
- It creates a subgraph skeleton via
graph init
- It modifies the subgraphs yaml definition, adding automatically one CallHandler per callable function
- It generates the handler functions that store the call data as entities
- It rebuilds the modified subgraph via
graph codegen
andgraph build
Deployment of the subgraph is done manually via graph deploy
after creating the subgraph in the subgraph studio.
STAPR is also able to replay the call history for patched contracts:
- It fetches the call history of the original contract by using
- It deploys the patched contract in a local test network using Foundry/Forge
- It inserts all the call history in a test scenario
- It runs the test and validates the invariants: the patched contract's behavior does not diverge from the original, and the fault which is the fix target does not occur.
node.js (nvm)
To create the subgraph locally:
To deploy the subgraph, login to subgraph studio and create a subgraph instance. Then:
graph auth --studio <AUTH_TOKEN>
graph deploy --studio <SUBGRAPH_NAME>
To query the call history:
Modify .graphclientrc.yml
and specify the subgraphs endpoint. Then
graphclient build --fileType json
node query.js
To install foundry
curl -L | bash
To set up foundry & forge:
cargo install --git --profile local --locked forge cast chisel anvil
forge install
forge init STAPR
forge init --template PaulRBerg/foundry-template
If having problems with running forge try:
echo forge-std/=lib/forge-std/ > remappings.txt
Check forge is running by using the command:
forge test --match-path test/Foo.t.sol -vvvv
Now we want to automatically generate the test For that we created a template test and a script that need some detail data and will generate a Test file with 2 tests:
- testLogic(): runs all transactions before the attack. Proof for logic
- testAttack(): runs the attack block
To generate your test you have to run with the commands that relate to your case.
python3 --help
An example
python3 --node_before_attack 15767899 --sol_version 'pragma solidity ^0.8.0;' --contract 'Token.sol' --real 'cont.totalSupply()' --expected '100000000000000000' --revert_nodes 14702874,15588293,15589794,15767838
Executing the last command will generate Token.t.sol on STAPR/test
Now make sure your patch or file to test is locate under the same name (without the .t) in STAPR/src. In the example is Token.sol.
And now you can run your test:
forge test --match-path test/Token.t.sol -vvvv
- STAPR currently only works for contracts in Ethereum mainnet
- Only self-contained contracts are supported
- Invariants must be manually inserted in tests
- Automatic handling of reverted calls