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Payload Comments Plugin


A fully-customizable plugin for Payload CMS to create a collection for comments, reviews, or other user-submitted feedback on your website or web application.

Table of Contents

  1. Core Features
  2. Use Cases
  3. Installation
  4. Basic Usage
  5. Default Options
  6. Options
    1. slug
    2. singularLabel
    3. admin
    4. fields
    5. timestamps
    6. addCommentPath
    7. addCommentMethod
    8. hasPublishedCommentPath
    9. hasPublishedCommentMethod
    10. hasPublishedCommentFields
    11. additionalEndpoints
    12. collectionsAllowingComments
    13. sendAlert
    14. alertRecipients
    15. alertFrom
    16. alertSubject
    17. alertIntro
    18. alertClosing
    19. alertEditUrlBase
    20. autoPublish
    21. autoPublishConditions
  7. processComment Handler for New Comments
  8. Submitting a Request to the /add-comment API Endpoint
  9. Comment Validation

Core features:

  • Adds a collection to your Payload CMS instance for comments with the following features out of the box:
    • Standard fields configured by default
    • Payload API endpoint to which you can POST comment data
    • Comment processing/validation callback
    • Option to receive email whenever a new comment is received.
  • Fully customizable
    • Add, edit, remove collection fields
    • Add comment approval logic, including the ability to set parameters to approve when a new comment is received.
    • Customize email sent when a new comment is received.

Use cases:

  • Blog/article comments
  • Product reviews
  • Discussion forums
  • Any other user-authored content for your website or Payload application


npm i payload-plugin-comments

Basic Usage

In the plugins array of your Payload config, call the plugin with options:

import { buildConfig } from "payload/config";
import search from "@payloadcms/plugin-search";

export default buildConfig({
  collections: [
      slug: "pages",
      fields: [],
      slug: "posts",
      fields: [],
  plugins: [

Default options

If you call comments() without an options object, the plugin will add a Comments collection to your Payload instance with the following default options:

const defaultOptions = {
  slug: 'comments',
  singularLabel: 'comment',
  admin: {
    defaultColumns: ['id', 'author', 'email', 'isApproved', 'content'],
    useAsTitle: 'id',
  fields: [
      name: 'author',
      type: 'text',
      name: 'email',
      type: 'email',
      name: 'content',
      type: 'textarea'
      name: 'replyPost',
      type: 'relationship',
      relationTo: 'posts',
      name: 'replyComment',
      type: 'relationship',
      relationTo: 'comments',
      name: 'isApproved',
      type: 'checkbox',
      defaultValue: false,
  timestamps: true,
  addCommentPath: '/add-comment',
  addCommentMethod: 'post',
  hasPublishedCommentPath: '/has-published-comment',
  hasPublishedCommentMethod: 'post',
  hasPublishedCommentFields: ['email'],
  collectionsAllowingComments: [],
  sendAlert: false,
  alertRecipients: [],
  alertFrom: '',
  alertSubject: 'Your site received a new comment',
  alertIntro: '<p>Your site received the following comment.</p>',
  alertClosing: '<p>Please log in to review, approve, or delete this comment.</p>',
  alertEditUrlBase: '',
  autoPublish: false,
  autoPublishConditions: [],
  additionalEndpoints: [],


If you pass in an options object to comments(), whatever property/value pairs you include in your options will override the defaults. Any properties not overridden by the options object you pass will fall back to their default values.

slug: string

Matches the slug property of the comments collection created. More information in Payload's documentation on Collections

Default value: 'comments'

singularLabel: string

If you configure your collection to send emails when a new comment is received, this is the term that will be used to refer to the submission in the alert email, e.g.: 'Information about this ${singularLabel}'

Default value: 'comment'

admin {defaultColumns: string[], useAsTitle: string}

Matches admin property of Payload collection config. More information in Payload's documentation on Collections

Default value:

  defaultColumns: ['id', 'author', 'email', 'isApproved', 'content'],
  useAsTitle: 'id',

fields Field[]

An array of Payload Collection Fields that will appear on the Payload admin screen. This will generally contain the content of the comment, the author, whether the comment is approved for display, and any other data you wish to store regarding the comment, whether it is authored by person submitting the comment or by the Payload admin.

Default value:

  name: 'author',
  type: 'text',
  name: 'email',
  type: 'email',
  name: 'content',
  type: 'textarea'
  name: 'replyPost',
  type: 'relationship',
  relationTo: 'posts',
  name: 'replyComment',
  type: 'relationship',
  relationTo: 'comments',
  name: 'isApproved',
  type: 'checkbox',
  defaultValue: false,

Required fields

Although plugin users can define their own fields, two fields, isApproved and replyPost, are required and will always be added to the collection with the properties specified below, since they are vital to the functionality of the plugin

isApproved: Field

The plugin will ensure that your collection always has a field with the name isApproved with a type of checkbox. If you want to se the defaultValue to true, you can include the following in your fields array when passing in options to the comment function:

  name: 'isApproved',
  type: 'checkbox',
  defaultValue: true,

Read the Payload documentation on Collection Fields for more information.

replyPost: Field

The plugin will ensure that your collection always has a field with the name replyComment with a type of checkbox. You can override the relationTo value by passing a comments object to the comment function with the following in your option object's fields array, replacing 'my-collection-slug' with the slug of the collection you would like to associate with comments, or an array of slugs if you would like to allow users to comment on items in multiple collections:

  name: 'replyPost',
  type: 'relationship',
  relationTo: 'my-collection-slug',

Read the Payload documentation on Collection Fields for more information.

timestamps boolean

Determines whether to use Payload's built-in createdAt and updatedAt timestamps on your comments collection. More information in Payload's documentation on Collections

Default value: true

addCommentPath: string

The custom API endpoint path used to add items to this colllection. This endpoint should only be used for handling incoming comments, e.g. as an endpoint for a comment form on your article or post, because it is tethered to the processComment handler, which handles incoming comments submitted to your Payload instance.

More information in Payload's documentation on custom API endpoints

Default value: /add-comment

addCommentMethod: 'get'|'post''

HTTP verb used to access the default /add-comment endpoint for handling incoming comments. More information in Payload's documentation on custom API endpoints

Default value: post

hasPublishedCommentPath: string

The custom API endpoint path used to check whether a given author already has an approved comment in the current Payload instance. This API endpoint may be useful for validating submitted comments.

More information in Payload's documentation on custom API endpoints

Default value: /has-published-comment

hasPublishedCommentMethod: 'get'|'post''

HTTP verb used to access the default /has-published-comment endpoint that may be useful for comment validation.

More information in Payload's documentation on custom API endpoints

Default value: post

hasPublishedCommentFields: string[]

Name of the fields used to check whether someone already has an approved comment saved in the current Payload instance when dispatching a Request to the /has-published-comment API endpoint. The strings in this array should match the names of properties in the body of any Request passed to this API endpoint. By default, we use the email field from the list of default Collection Fields for the Comments collection.

For information on using this endpoint, see the section on using the hasPublishedComment API endpoint for comment validation

Default value: ['email']

additionalEndpoints: Omit<Endpoint, "root">[]

And array of Payload Custom Endpoints to add to your comments collection beyond the default endpoint added to handling incoming comments.

Default value: []

collectionsAllowingComments string[]

An array of strings, each string being a slug for a collection in your Payload instance that can have comments. Comments are linked to other collection items via a relationship field, so it is necessary to know which collections comments can be attached to.

NB, for this plugin to work, it is necessary to override the default value for this, since this value is set to an empty array be default.

Default value: []

sendAlert: boolean

Determines whether to send email alerts to specified email addresses when your Payload instance receives a new comment submission.

Default value: false

alertRecipients: string[]

Array of email addresses that should receive email alerts when a new comment is sucessfully processed by the processComment handler if sendAlert is set to true.

Default value: []

alertFrom: string

The value that your Payload instance's Nodemailer instance will use as the "From" address when a new comment is sucessfully processed by the processComment handler if sendAlert is set to true.

See the Nodemailer documentation for formatting options.

Default value: ''

alertSubject: string

The subject line your Payload instance's Nodemailer instance will use for email alerts when a new comment is sucessfully processed by the processComment handler if sendAlert is set to true.

Default value: 'Your site received a new comment'

alertIntro: string

The opening line of the email alert to be sent when a new comment is sucessfully processed by the processComment handler if sendAlert is set to true.

NB, the content of this should be in HTML, not plain text.

This line will display above a table listing the field values for the incoming process you are being alerted about.

Default value: '<p>Your site received the following comment.</p>'

alertClosing: string

The closing line of the email alert to be sent when a new comment is sucessfully processed by the processComment handler if sendAlert is set to true.

NB, the content of this should be in HTML, not plain text.

This line will display below a table listing the field values for the incoming process you are being alerted about and a link to the Payload admin page where admins can review, approve, edit, or delete the incoming comment.

Default value: '<p>Please log in to review, approve, or delete this comment.</p>'

alertEditUrlBase: string

If you are sending email alerts when new comments are received, the email you receive will contain a direct link to the Payload admin page for that new comment, making it easier for you to approve, edit, or delete the incoming comment. To construct this URL, the plugin takes the root URL to which your Payload instance is deployed and adds a URL path to the comment. The alertEditUrlBase property provides the base of the URL used in the email, consisting of the protocol, the subdomain, the domain name, the domain extension, and the admin directory for the site, e.g.

By default, the plugin will try to constuct this from the serverURL and routes.admin properties in your Payload configuration, if provided. If routes.admin is not set, the plugin will fall back to the default admin path.

Default value: serverURL + routes.admin from your Payload config.

autoPublish: boolean

Determines whether to allow automatic approval of incoming comments when they are received by the processComment handler.

If autoPublish is set to true and autoPublishConditions is set to an empty array, all incoming comments will be saved to your Payload instance with an the isApproved field value set to true.

If autoPublish is set to true and autoPublishConditions contains one or more item, then when the processComment handler processes an incoming comment, the handler will search the body of the API Request for properties matching the value of each string in the autoPubishConditions array and set the isApproved value of the incoming comment based on its evaluation of the truthiness of eahc condition. (See [autoPublishConditions](#autopublishconditions-string)) for more information.

If autoPublish is set to false, every comment that processComment can properly handle will be saved to your Payload instance with an isApproved value of false.

Default value: false

autoPublishConditions string[]

If [autoPublish](#autopublish-boolean) is set to true, then this array contains a list of strings that should match values on the body of the Requset dispatched to the custom API endpoint for comments used to handle incoming comments (See addCommentPath).

When processing incoming comments, if autoPublish is true and autoPublishConditions contains one or more string values, the processComment handler will evaluate the body of the API Request received for the truthiness of all the conditions on the body as follows:

function getIsApproved(body: any, options: CommentOptions) {
  const { autoPublish, autoPublishConditions } = options
  if (!autoPublish || !body) return false
  if (!autoPublishConditions?.length) return true

  return autoPublishConditions.filter(cond => !body[cond]).length === 0

If getIsApproved returns true, then the incoming comment will be saved to your Payload instance with an isApproved value of true. Otherwise, it will be saved with an isApproved value of false.

Default value: []

processComment Handler for New Comments

This is the handler function for the default /add-comment endpoint for the comments collection created by this plugin. Understanding how this function handles incoming comments is necessary to allow you to configure forms or other tools to allow people to submit comments to your Payload instance.


The handler receives three arguments:

  • { body }: The body of an incoming Express Request object
  • res: An Express Response object to be returned by the default /add-comment endpoint after handling the incoming Request.
  • options: The CommentOptions object for your comments collection see options documentation

Execution steps

The handler examines the incoming Request to determine whether it can successfully create a new comment in several ways outlined below.

Check collectionsAllowingComments

Determine whether there are any collection slugs listed in.

If not, no collections accept comments, so there is nothing for users to comment on (function will return a Response with code 400 and the message ''Your site is not configured to accept your submission.'').

If there are slugs listed in the array, proceed to the next step of function execution.

Look up the matching replyPost

Call the getReplyPost function to search all collections receiving comments for an item whose id matches the value of the incoming Request body's replyPost property value.

NB, your Request body MUST have a replyPost property whose value is set to the ID of the item in the Payload instance being commented on

If no matching item is found in the Payload instance, the function will return a Response with code 400 and the message ''We were unable to find a target for your submission.''

Submitting a Request to the /add-comment API Endpoint

Given the execution steps of the processComment handler function for the default /add-comment endpoint outlined above, you will need to make that that when you configure a website form, application, or other tool for submitting comments to your Payload instance, the body of the Request you submit to the Payload API has the following to ensure users are able to successfully use your form/etc. to submit comments.

Request object body

  • The body of your Request must have a replyPost property whose value matches the ID of the post, product, or other Payload database item that will receive the comment being submitted.

  • All other body properties that you want to have recorded in a Collection Field must have a property name matching the Field name and a value matching the intended value of the Field for the comment being processed. For instance, if you are using the default fields option, then the body of your Request to the /add-post API endpoint should include properties named author, email, etc.

  • If you are using autoPublishConditions, any conditions you want to use to evaluate whether to automatically publish a commpent passed to the /add-comment API endpoint must be included as properties of the body of the Request to the API endpoint. The isApproved field wiill be set to true if and only if every string in the autoPublishConditions array matches a property on body of the incoming Request and the value of every matching property of the body is truthy (See evaluation source code in autoPublishConditions documentation)

Comment Validation

We leave comment validation/approval up to the user. However, facilitate usage of this plugin, we outline how you might implement some common validation schemas in your application below.

Manually Review All Comments Submitted

This is the default setting for this plugin, so if you call the comments function without an options object, you will have to manually review and approve every comment that comes in, since all incoming comments will be saved with an isApproved field value set to false.

To learn about configuring the plugin to send email alerts when new comments are received and ready for review, see the documentation on the sendAlert option and options starting with alert.

Automatically Approve All Comments Submitted

If you want to allow unmoderated comments, simply call the comments function in your Payload init's plugins array with an options object whose autoPublish property is set to true and whose autoPublishConditions property is set to empty array (default value), e.g.:

import { buildConfig } from "payload/config";
import search from "@payloadcms/plugin-search";

export default buildConfig({
  collections: [
      slug: "pages",
      fields: [],
      slug: "posts",
      fields: [],
  plugins: [
    comments({autoPublish: true}),

Using has-published-comment API Endpoint

One common comment validation scheme involves allowing trusted users, i.e. users with at least one previously-approved comment, to have their subsequent comments automatically approved upon submission. In order to facilitate implementation of this comment validation scheme, this plugin configures a an API endpoint for the comments collection it creates called /has-published-comment. (You can override the default name of the endpoint by modifying the hasPublishedCommentPath option.)

This endpoint will look for approved comments in your Payload instance matching the criteria set in your comments collection configuration options. More specifically, the handler for this endpoint will look at the body of the Request made to this endpoint for properties whose names match each of the strings in the hasPublishedCommentFields array of your plugin options object. If there is at least one comment with an isApproved property set to true with field values matching those in the body of your Request, the API endpoint will respond with the JSON string {"hasPublishedComment":true}". If the handler cannot find at least one matching approved comment, hasPublishedComment will be false in the endpoint's JSON response.

As an example, let's suppose you set the hasPublishedCommentsFields array to ['author', 'email']. When you make a call to the has-published-comment API endpoint, the endpoint's handler will examine the body of your Request to see whether it has properties named 'author' and 'endpoint'. If either of these properties are missing in the body, the endpoint will respond with the JSON string {"hasPublishedComment":false}". If the body contains both of these properties, the API handler will query the Payload instance with a Where object constructed by the following function:

function getWhere(body: any, hasPublishedCommentFields: string[]) {
  const where: Where = {
    isApproved: {
      equals: true

  hasPublishedCommentFields.forEach(field => {
    const bodyFieldVal = body[field]
    if (bodyFieldVal) where[field] = { equals: bodyFieldVal }

  return where

This Where object is then fed into a call to payload.find() constructed as follows (where slug matches the slug of the comments collection configured when initializing the comments plugin):

async function getHasPublishedComment(slug: string, where: Where) {
  const { docs } = await payload.find({
    collection: slug,
    limit: 1,
  return docs?.length > 0

In our hypothetical example, the API endpoint handler would query the Payload instance for items in the comments collection with an isApproved field set to true, and author and email field values matching the values of their corresponding properties in the body of the Request made to the API endpoint.


Comments Plugin for Payload CMS






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