##A fluent async send mail lib based on Razor templates (does not require web project)##
####Licensed under MIT, feel free to use in commercial projects####
Sample usage
public static async Task<SendMailResult> SendTestMail() {
return await MailBuilder.Create(new TemplateService())
.From("[email protected]", "Sender name")
.WithSubject("Some subject")
.AndTemplate("SampleTemplate.cshtml", new { Name = "Test User" })
.AddAttachments(new Attachment(File.OpenRead(@"c:/Somefile.pdf"), "Some file", System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf))
.AddMeeting(new Meeting(DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), DateTime.Now.AddHours(3))
Description = "Do you know what the next step should be for TypeLess.Mail?",
Location = "The usual place",
Summary = "We need to go through some new features"
.To(new Contact("[email protected]", ContactType.To))