Modified dashboard for conducting Backdoors & Breaches sessions over Zoom.
Backdoors & Breaches is the property of Black Hills InfoSec. It is a great tool for conducting incident response walkthroughs and training seminars.
Specifically, this repo contains an amended dashboard with a "Humanitarian" expansion deck. This adds in various cards reflecting scenarios and complexities drawn from experience working with NGOs of various sorts - such as complex operating environments, data export challenges, Donor relationships, and risks of harm to users and constituents which require management in ways that are slightly different from other sectors.
It's a work in progress - please feel free to suggest additional cards or provide constructive feedback. You'll find the cards themselves (along with a handy pptx file - a simple commoditised way to share artwork and an easy way to leaf through the cards) in /
To use this deck today, you'll either need to print the cards yourself - or host this version of play. in your own webserver. I find the easiest way to do this is to check the whole repository out and startup a local webserver inside the folder you'll end up with. I do this in python like so:
python -m http.server
Then browse to localhost:8000 - job done! If you don't have python installed you will need another solution.
This is a simple HTML page, best viewed at 1920x1080.
Consists of HTML, CSS, and JS to control basic behaviors.
- Dice Roll
- Card Shuffle
- Injects
- Floating Counters
When you reload the page, you will get:
- 4x Scenario Cards (Top)
- 4x Randomly Assigned Established Procedures (2nd Row)
- 6x Randomly Assigned Remaining Procedures
There will be a dice box at the bottom, an Inject card dealer, and 3x stacked tokens for marking. As the DM, you will get the solution to the Scenario (popup at bottom right).
- Once you click the scenario card to reveal, you cannot flip it back.
- To facilitate narration and pre-staging the game, the DM can choose to reveal the solution:
- There are 2 buttons for rolling Established Procedures and Other Procedures (respectively)
- The totals and success/failure of the Dice Roll is calculated in the Game Progress box
- Click DRAW INJECT to draw an inject card, CLEAR is self-explanatory
- All cards activate the lightbox.
- Chips can be dragged onto procedure cards to denote they are deactivated for x # of turns
- Flip Cards with Javascript by Ricardo Moreira
- How to Create a Draggable Div by W3Schools
- How to Randomize (shuffle) a Javascript Array via Stackoverflow
- Lightbox by Lokesh Dhakar. (+JQuery)
- Google Fonts
- And of course, the great folks over at Black Hills InfoSec for the art assets.