by jaggz.h who is at, 2020-09-28
See: Youtube Demo
Allows arbitrary positions to be set by a user with accessibility issues, whereby they choose the positions they desire for Up, Down, Left, Right, and Center (rest).
The interpolation then is effectively a mapping or piecewise transform from those positions into mouse movement values.
- Currently the calls to the on-screen preview use Linux. The interpolation code is not actually dependent on this, but for now main.c utilizes it so this probably won't build in, say, Windows. I make calls to ioctl(), tcgetattr(), etc. Stripping out use of termstuff.c and .h would get rid of that dependency.
- Please ignore that main.c is not .cpp
- The classes will end up being moved out of main.c
- This code does not deal with the sensors, which is a different project (an Arduino .ino project). This was just to develop the mapping/interpolation library.
- Type make. It should just run (in Linux)
- Copy radterpolate.cpp and .h to your project folder, for now.
- See main.cpp for example use