Code powering Jaedolph's desk related channel points rewards.
The code may be useful for reference by streamers attempting to do a similar thing.
The code is very specific to my setup so would probably require a lot of hacking to get working with another type of desk. I have an OMNIDESK PRO 2020 with the optional bluetooth controller.
There are multiple interaction modes that can be enabled.
If configured, the desk can be moved up and down using channel points rewards. e.g.
- "Change to standing desk" - moves the desk to standing position
- "Change to sitting desk" - moves the desk to sitting position
Channel points will be refunded to users if the desk does not need to move or fails to move.
The controller will automatically create the channel points rewards once configured. These must not be created manually in order for the controller to work. The costs/icons/cooldowns can be manually modified once the rewards are created.
If configured, the desk can be moved up and down using commands within a bits cheer. Currently the commands are hard-coded as:
- moves the desk to sitting or standing based on its current position e.g. will move to standing position if currently sitting.!desksit
- moves the desk to sitting position. Does nothing if the desk is already in sitting position.!deskstand
- moves the desk to standing position. Does nothing if the desk is already in standing position.
An example cheer message that would trigger the desk to move:
cheer500 !desk streamer why don't you stand up for a bit KEKW
Bits do not get refunded if the desk does not move (I don't think this is possible with how bits work).
Installation has been tested on Fedora 38 using python 3.11 but should work on other Linux distributions.
# install using pip
python3 -m pip install . --user
# run configuration utility
jddesk --configure
# run the program
Installation has been tested on Windows 11.
- Download the latest release zip file
- Copy the zip to a location such as "Documents"
- Right click and select "Extract here"
- Follow README.txt instructions in the extracted folder
The current desk height can be displayed in real time on stream using an OBS browser source.
The default url for this is:
To configure a custom url see the Configuration section.
The application can be configured using a configuration helper utility by adding the --configure
flag to the program. Note that this does not currently work inside the docker image.
jddesk --configure
# desk configuration
controller_mac = 01:02:03:04:05:06 # mac address of the bluetooth controller
standing_height = 122.9 # desk standing height in centimeters
sitting_height = 76.4 # desk sitting height in centimeters
data_out_uuid = 0000ff02-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb # UUID of the BLE characteristic used to receive data from the desk controller
data_in_uuid = 0000ff01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb # UUID of the BLE characteristic used to send data to the desk controller
desk_height_detection_enabled = yes # Enable detecting the height of the desk. This is required for the display server to work.
# oauth configuration (it is recommended to run `jddesk --configure` to create these)
client_id = 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrst # client id of custom twitch application
client_secret = abcdefghijklmnopqrst1234567890 # client secret of twitch application
broadcaster_name = jaedolph # username (not display name) of your channel
auth_token = poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsamnbvcxz1234 # user auth token
refresh_token = qwertyuiopasdfghjkl1234567890asdfghjkllkjhgfdsa123 # user refresh token
# channel points configuration
enable_channel_points = yes # allow channel points to move the desk
desk_up_reward_name = Change to standing desk # channel point reward name to move desk up
desk_down_reward_name = Change to sitting desk # channel point reward name to move desk down
# bits configuration
enable_bits = yes # allow bits cheers to move the desk
min_bits = 500 # minimum bits required in a cheer to move desk
# display server configuration
enabled = yes # enable the display server
address = localhost:5000 # socket to listen on for the display server
The application consists of two parts:
- The desk controller
- The display server (optional)
The display server is a Flask based web application for displaying the desk height. It can be used as a browser source in OBS. The server uses the socketio protocol to receive and transmit real time updates of the desk height.
The desk controller creates PubSub listeners for Twitch channel points and/or bits events. If a configured channel points reward or a bits cheer with an inline command is received, it will send commands to the desk's bluetooth controller.
The desk controller will also listen for "notify" events from the bluetooth controller which show the current height of the desk. These notify events are sent every time the desk moves. Each event is relayed to the display server so the current height of the desk can be displayed in OBS in real time.
graph LR;
obs(OBS Browser Source)
display(Display Server)
controller(Desk Controller)
desk(Desk Bluetooth Module)
twitchapi(Twitch API)
obs-- http -->display
display-- socketio -->obs
controller-- socketio -->display
controller<-- https -->twitchapi
controller-- Bluetooth GATT commands -->desk
desk-- Bluetooth GATT notifications -->controller
Ensure selinux perms are correct on your config file
chcon -t container_file_t ~/jddesk.ini
Run the controller
podman run \
-d \
--name jddesk \
--net=host \
-v /var/run/dbus/:/var/run/dbus/ \
--userns=keep-id \
--user=$UID \
--privileged \
-v ~/jddesk.ini:/usr/src/app/jddesk.ini
I have only tested this on k3s running on a Raspberry Pi. May not work with latest version.
Edit the kustomize.yml file and add the hostname of your desired route for the display server.
Edit the .jddesk.ini config file. This can be used to generate a secret with your config file.
Apply the resources:
kubectl kustomize kustomize/ | kubectl apply -f -