The objective is to keep the board clear as long as possible random tetromino pieces will fall from the top, and you can move them left-right or rotate to fit in place. If an entire row is filled, it is cleared, and the board moves down. Do this as long as possible
- Up -Rotates a piece
- Down -Moves a piece down faster
- Left -Moves a piece left
- Left -Moves a piece left
- Middle -Restarts the game
It is created using a Raspberry pi, python, sense hat, numpy The board is one big numpy array, and every piece that falls is it's own tiny numpy array. Every step it's moved or falls, it is checking for collissions between the walls or other pieces to determine if a move is possible. And if there is a collission while going downwards, the piece is burned in place on the main game-board, and the process starts anew
Program will start as service automatically when raspberry pi boots up. Program can also start by running file or starting service with
sudo systemctl start tetris.service
in terminal.
If raspberry pi is asked to shut down or restart, program will end peacefully. Program will also end peacefully if service is stopped with
sudo systemctl stop tetris.service
, or if run directly from file; program can be stopped from command line ^C.
If power is removed service will end without stop message, not peacefully.