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A pytest plugin based on garybernhardt/expecter to write expressive tests.

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Quick Start

With this plugin you can write tests (optionally using pytest-describe) like this:

def describe_foobar():

    def it_can_pass(expect):
        expect(2 + 3) == 5

    def it_can_fail(expect):
        expect(2 + 3) == 6

and get output like this:

============================= FAILURES =============================
___________________ describe_foobar.it_can_fail ____________________

    def it_can_fail(expect):
>       expect(2 + 3) == 6
E       AssertionError: Expected 6 but got 5 AssertionError
================ 1 failed, 1 passed in 2.67 seconds ================


Install it directly into an activated virtual environment:

$ pip install pytest-expecter

or add it to your Poetry project:

$ poetry add pytest-expecter