Part of WIAS-PDELib
- VoronoiFVM.jl: a finite volume solver for systems of nonlinear PDEs
- ExtendableGrids.jl: unstructured grid management library
- GridVisualize.jl: grid and function visualization related to ExtendableGrids.jl
- SimplexGridFactory.jl: unified high level mesh generator interface
- ExtendableSparse.jl: convenient and efficient sparse matrix assembly
- GridVisualizeTools.jl: some tools for GridVisualize.jl and PlutoVista.jl includin marching triangles and marching tetrahedra
- PlutoVista.jl: Visualization in Pluto notebooks based on Plotly.js and vtk.js, also as backend for GridVisualize.jl
- AMGCLWrap.jl,AMGCL_C_jll.jl:Julia wrapper and binary package for the AMGCL iterative solver library by D. Davydov
- LessUnitful.jl: convenience tools to access quantities based on Unitful.jl and PhysicalConstants.jl in an "unitless" way
- ExampleJuggler.jl: manage documentation examples and use them in unit tests
- Triangulate.jl, Triangle_jll.jl: Julia wrapper and binary package of the Triangle triangle mesh generator by J. Shewchuk
- TetGen.jl,TetGen_jll.jl: (co-maintained with S. Danisch): Julia wrapper and binary package for the TetGen tetrahedral mesh generator by H. Si.
- Sparspak.jl by P. Krysl: sparse direct solver in pure Julia, contributed to its ability to handle general number types
- Pardiso.jl updates for Panua Pardiso
- LinearSolve.jl updates for Panua Pardiso, Sparspak