This Flask application demonstrates a simple user authentication system with extended functionalities for user profile management. Users can register, log in, update their profile information, change their passwords, and upload a profile picture.
User Registration: Allows new users to create an account by providing a username and password. Each user's password is hashed with sha-256 for security before being stored in the database.
User Login: Authenticates users by their username and password. Upon successful authentication, users are redirected to their profile page.
Logout: Users can log out of the application, which clears their session data.
Profile Page: Authenticated users can view their profile page, which displays their username, name, email, and profile picture.
Default Profile Picture: New users are assigned a default profile picture upon registration. Users can update their profile picture at any time.
Update Profile: Users can update their profile information, including their name, email, and profile picture.
Change Password: Users have the option to change their password from their profile page.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS
- Backend: Flask (Python)
- Database: MongoDB
- Password Hashing: SHA-256