BenTen is a CUI Chatbot framework that provides all the integrations that are necessary for building useful conversational chatbots in a few minutes. It has integrations with NLP engines like Dialogflow, Messaging platforms like Slack, project management tools like Jira and Continuous Integration Tools like Jenkins. It also has support to render messages in various formats like Slack, html (html to image conversion), csv etc...
Benten makes it easy for anybody to build their own personal assistants to take care of mundane tasks.
The framework lets you concentrate on the core
functionality you want to build (for example building a conversational chatbot to monitor application health and show it in Slack on demand) rather than worry about integrations with Slack, NLP engines or applications like Jira, Jenkins and the orchestration between these systems.
If you're wondering why the name BenTen, you can find an answer here Why the name Benten ?
Jira Feature | Command |
Create new Jira Story/Bug/Sub-Task | create jira story , create jira bug , create jira subtask , create jira story Experience benten jira integration project BENTEN |
Show details of a JIRA issue | details of issue , details of issue BENTEN-1 |
Assign issue | assign issue BENTEN-1 to @divakarungatla |
Search issues assigned to me or created by me | my issues , my tickets |
Comment on an issue | comment on issue , comment on issue BENTEN-1 this is an example comment |
Log work for an issue/story | log 3h 4m against issue BENTEN-1 this is a comment for logging work |
Show subtasks of a story | subtasks of story AAA-1234 |
Transition issue | move BENTEN-1 to inprogress |
Cycle time for a sprint | cycle time of board Benten over last 2 sprints |
Velocity of a team based on a sprint | velocity of board Benten over last 2 sprints |
Note: BenTen uses a headless user which you are going to specify in the benten properties file in the following sections to perform the jira operations. So some features like assign
will need the headless user to be added as admin to you projects. Here is how you do it Add user as admin in Jira.
Jenkins Feature | Command |
Search for Jenkins job | search for jenkins job , search for jenkins job with prefix Purchase |
Details of Jenkins job | details of jenkins job , details of jenkins job Purchase-Service-Release |
Build Jenkins job | build jenkins job Purchase-Service-Release |
Flickr Feature | Command |
Search for Photos or Videos | flickr 5 photos of cats , flickr videos of dogs |
Search Trendy Photos | flickr trendy photos , flickr popular photos |
Search Camera Brands | flickr canon cameras |
Weather Feature | Command |
Weather information in current city | How is the weather in San Diego ? |
Now that you have experienced the bot, let us set up BenTen with your own
slack bot and run against your Jira and Jenkins.
If you are behind a corporate proxy, or especially if your local Maven installation has been configured to point to a repository within your local network, the command below may not work. One workaround is to temporarily disable or rename your Maven
file, and try again.
Setting up BenTen from binaries (recommended if you want just use existing capabilities and add custom features only specific to your organization)
There is a maven archetype(benten-archetype) that I created that can be used to set up a skeleton project super quick. Run the below command in your terminal.
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=benten-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.1.5 -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=benten-starter
cd benten-starter
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Setting up BenTen from sources (recommended if you want to contribute/add new features or integrations to BenTen )
To set up BenTen from sources follow the below steps
git clone
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
To use BenTen in your existing spring project include the below dependencies in your projects pom.xml and refer to Setting up to initialize BenTen.
Create a slack team and slackbot(You can skip this section if you already have a slack bot API token)
Follow the below steps to create a slack team and then a slack bot. You can skip this step if you already have a team and are the admin.
- Open
- Provide your email ID. Select Create New workspace.
- Check your email and enter the code to verify your email.
- Provide your name and set a password
- Add some details to your team in the next page
- Provide a company name
- Team URL should be unique - Also remember this URL - this is what is used to login to your slack instance
- Agree with the terms
- Skip the invite step
- You are up and running with your own instance of Slack.
Now that team is created, let us create a slack bot
- Open your {team-URL}/apps (the one you created above). Ex:
- Search for bot in the search bar and select
- In the bots landing page click on Add configuration
- Provide a bot name. Ex: divakar-bot and click on Add Bot integration
- In the Setup instruction page:
Copy and store the API Token
. Ex: xoxb-22672546-n1X9APk3D0tfksr81NJj6VAM - Save the integration
Create your own Dialog Flow Agent
You might have noticed the conversation interface of BenTen. Benten uses Dialog Flow to build the conversations. You can read more about Dialog flow at
Let us set up your own dialog flow agent. Download the agent zip file from here benten-agent-v2
Follow the instructions in this page Create-BenTen-Agent-in-Dialog-flow to create the agent.
Follow the instructions in this page OAuth Setup For Dialogflow Agent to setup OAuth for the agent.
At the end of it you should have your own dialogflow Project ID
with OAuth setup complete.
NOTE: The dialogflow client in Benten will not work unless the OAuth setup is complete.
Now open
cd benten-starter
vi src/main/resources/
In line #10 change the value of
with your Project ID from above
cd benten-starter
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
vi src/main/resources/
In line #11 replace <slackbot token>
with your bot token from bot creation step above Creating Slack bot
mvn spring-boot:run
Now if you see your bot in Slack it should be active! Type hi
to see it working. Type help jira
or create jira story
and you can see responses.
If you want to run benten on docker then install docker on your machine.
Execute below steps in the terminal.
cd benten-starter
docker build -f Dockerfile -t benten .
docker container run -it --publish 8081:8080 benten
Remember, at this point benten is still running against the karate mocks that come as part of the BenTen code/artifacts. Now let us point it to you Jira instance. Follow the below steps
cd benten-starter
vi src/main/resources/
In line #16 change benten.jira.baseurl
url to point to your own jira instance instead of the localhost. Also change benten.jira.username
and benten.jira.password
accordingly. BenTen uses these credentials to connect to Jira. Save the changes.
cd benten-starter
vi src/main/resources/
Restart your application
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn spring-boot:run
Now try the jira commands from your slack-bot and it should work against your Jira!
If you need to use a proxy when you are on a corporate network, add JVM proxy params to the run command:
mvn spring-boot:run -Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxy-host> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxy-port>
Similar to Jira make changes for Jenkins as well in
cd benten-starter
vi src/main/resources/
In line #18 change benten.jenkins.baseurl
url to point to your own jenkins instance instead of the localhost. Also change benten.jenkins.username
and benten.jenkins.password
accordingly. BenTen uses these credentials to connect to Jira. Save the changes.
Restart your application
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn spring-boot:run
Type jenkins
in your bot and try any of the operations to see them work against your jenkins.
Make changes for Flickr in
Generate your Flickr API key and secret key
In line #25,26 change
accordingly. BenTen uses these keys to connect to the Flickr API. Save the changes.
Restart your application
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn spring-boot:run
Configure BenTen to Open Weather Map
Sign up for Open weather map api's and get an api token
cd benten-starter
vi src/main/resources/
In Line #26, change
to the api token generated by open weather api.
Restart your application
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn spring-boot:run
Let us build a feature in BenTen now. Each feature is called an action
in BenTen. Remember! the beauty of BenTen is that you need to concentrate only on the core logic. Let us see how.
We will build an action
which will ping a service for n
number of times and display the results in the slack-bot after every time it pings the application.
First let us build the conversation. Open your agent that you created in this section. Follow this wiki Creating BenTen Example Conversation in Dialogflow
Create a new package com.example
in benten-starter.
cd benten-starter
mkdir com/example
Download and copy it to the com.example
package. The contents of the file are explained below!
Restart your application.
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
mvn spring-boot:run
Open your slack bot. Type ping benten for 5 times
and you should be able to see the below output
If you reached this point it might have stuck you that what you can build using BenTen is only limited by your thoughts! Get creative!