Python scripts to perform global ocean offline simulations with BFM.
First clone this repository and enter the new folder
git clone --recursive
Use new branch of fabmos
cd fabmos
git checkout new_pygetm
To be sure to use the last version of the BFM checkout the master branch of the FABM and BFM repository
cd extern/fabm
git checkout master
cd extern/ogs
git checkout iron
Back to fabmos
cd ../../../../
Create a conda environment with the necessary packages
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate fabmos
On HPC machines some errors in installing the package pygetm in fabmos environment can occur. The package can be installed with the following specifications.
conda install pygetm -c bolding-bruggeman -c conda-forge --override-channels
Install FABMOS
pip install .
In case of errors in compilation phase, consider to add the following setup.cfg file in fabmos folder containing the following two lines:
then launch
pip install .
To run a simulation a transport matrix is needed for the circulation. Several matrices are available at Samar Khatiwala. Download one in the testcases directory and unzip it.
For example the MITgcm 2.8° global configuration
cd testcases
tar xopf MITgcm_2.8deg.tar
Use the directory of the transport matrix as working directory to launch simulations
cd MITgcm_2.8deg
Link a configuration file from the BFM repository
ln -s ../../fabmos/extern/fabm/extern/ogs/fabm_iron.yaml fabm.yaml
Link the python script to run the simulation
ln -s ../
Launch the simulation