Updates /etc/dhcpcd.conf
and reboots the device.
This module is intended to be used with the @clysema/http
module in order
to enable a /dhcpcd
post endpoint.
npm install @clysema/dhcpcd @clysema/http
Use an http
module config/http.json like this:
"host": "",
"root": "/home/pi/app/www",
"post": ["dhcpcd"]
Create an empty config file for the dhcpcd
module (no config is needed but the
file must exist).
touch config/dhcpcd.json
Then, somewere in the app loop:
try { await app.modules.dhcpcd(app); }
catch (e) { ... }
Using auth (USERNAME= PASSWORD= npm start)
curl -d \
'{interface: "eth0", dhcp: true, ip_address: "", routers: "", domain_name_servers: ""}' \
-u <username>:<password> \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://<device_ip>:4000/dhcpcd
You can place a production build of the dhcpcd-ui
package in the root
configured folder (/home/pi/app/www
in the above example) to be served by
the app.