This is the Awesome List for Rholang - a new programming language developed by Greg Meredith and Mike Stay and used to create RChain. The language is a reflective higher-order process calculus, based on Milner's asynchronous polyadic pi calculus. This list a a curation of awesome resources with the aim of making it 10x easier for anyone new to learn what took us months.
- Learn Rholang by JoshOhrndorff - current best-of-breed tutorial
- Rholang to go - < 10 minute screencasts focused on getting one thing done (some theory does sneak in sometimes)
- Cryptofex - standalone IDE for Rholang and other smart contracts
- - run your first few Rholang programs without setting up a node environment
- Syntax Files - syntax highlighting for emacs and vim
Rholang Collaboration Laboratory
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