This PowerShell module wraps the Elastic API.
If you have WMF 5.0 or PowerShellGet installed:
# Inspect
PS> Save-Module -Name pselastic -Path <path>
# Install
PS> Install-Module -Name pselastic
- Clone or download this repo
Import-Module .\PSElastic\PSElastic.psd1
Import-Module '.\PSElastic.psd1'
# Set Connection information - Highly recommend you add the environment vars to your $profile to save you having to do it every time.
Set-ElasticConnection -URL '' -Username 'user' -Password 'pass'
# Get the health of your cluster
# Create an index
New-ElasticIndex -Name 'test-index'
# Write a document to that index
Write-ElasticDocument -Name 'test-index' -JSON (@{message = 'hello world'} | ConvertTo-JSON) -Id 1
# Retrieve a document
Get-ElasticDocument -Name 'test-index' -Id 1
- Fork this repo
- Make your changes
- Create a pull request
Adapted from
- AppVeyor.yml. Instructions for AppVeyor.
- Start-Build.ps1. A build script that sets up dependencies and kicks off psake. Portable across build systems. This initialises the following:
- BuildHelpers. A module to help with portability and some common build needs
- Psake. A build automation tool. This Defines a series of tasks for our build
- Pester. A testing framework for PowerShell
- PSDeploy. A module to simplify PowerShell based deployments - Modules, in this case
- Psake.ps1. Tasks to run - testing, build (e.g. bump version number), and deployment to the PowerShell gallery
- deploy.psdeploy.ps1. Instructions that tell PSDeploy how to deploy the module
- GitHub sends AppVeyor a notification of your commit
- AppVeyor parses your appveyor.yml and starts a build on a fresh VM
- build.ps1 installs dependencies, sets up environment variables with BuildHelpers, and kicks off psake.ps1
- psake.ps1 does the real work. It runs your Pester tests, and if they pass, runs PSDeploy against your psdeploy.ps1