Type-safe transformations and purifications of PreCures (Japanese Battle Heroine).
Written in Haskell.
- Collection of Japanese battle heroines "PreCure" and their transformation and purification phrases.
- Currently, supports from the first season to "Wonderful Pretty Cure!", including Cure Echo, Cure Mofurun, Cure Pekorin, Cure Infini, and Cure Oasis!
- Monadic actions to play the speech of their transformations and purifications.
Each girl/PreCure/PreCure's variation/special item has her/its own type.
So only correct combinations of girls/PreCures and items can transform and purify.
Compared with other PreCure implementations such as rubicure, clocure, etc., this makes it much harder to use, but it reproduces the settings more correctly.
Correctness is more important for this library.
# pretty-simple is optional. But recommended if you try it on GHCi.
$ stack install typesafe-precure pretty-simple
## ... OR
$ cabal install typesafe-precure pretty-simple
- To
Japanese characters in GHCi, use pretty-simple
$ ghci -interactive-print "Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrint"
ghci> :m ACME.PreCure
ghci> transformationSpeech (Mirai, Liko) (Mofurun :+: LinkleStoneDia)
[ "キュアップ・ラパパ! ダイヤ!"
, "ミラクル・マジカル・ジュエリーレ!"
, "ふたりの奇跡!キュアミラクル!"
, "ふたりの魔法!キュアマジカル!"
, "魔法つかいプリキュア!!"
ghci> transformedStyle (Mirai, Liko) (Mofurun :+: LinkleStoneRuby)
( CureMiracle_Ruby
, CureMagical_Ruby
ghci> purificationSpeech (CureMiracle_Ruby, CureMagical_Ruby) (Mofurun :+: LinkleStoneRuby, LinkleStick :+: LinkleStoneRuby)
[ "リンクルステッキ!"
, "(モッフー!)"
, "ルビー!紅の情熱よ私達の手に!"
, "フルフルリンクル!"
, "プリキュア!ルビー・パッショナーレ!"
Since v0.8.0.1
By using the :<
operator, you can replace some part of the speech into another episode's version. For example:
ghci> members = (Manatsu, Sango, Minori, Asuka)
ghci> items = (TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCureSummer, TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCureCoral, TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCurePapaya, TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCureFlamingo)
ghci> transformationSpeech (members :< "うわさも吹き飛ぶ!") items
[ "プリキュア!トロピカルチェンジ!"
, "レッツメイク!キャッチ!"
, "チーク!"
, "アイズ!"
, "ヘアー!"
, "リップ!"
, "ドレス!"
, "ときめく常夏!キュアサマー!"
, "きらめく宝石!キュアコーラル!"
, "ひらめく果実(フルーツ)!キュアパパイア!"
, "はためく翼!キュアフラミンゴ!"
, "はーっ!"
, "うわさも吹き飛ぶ!"
, "トロピカル〜ジュ!プリキュア!"
Compare with transformationSpeech members items
In addition to the example above, the following transformations and purifications can be replaced by :<
From Tropical-Rouge! PreCure:
purificationSpeech (Laura :< "赤") MermaidAquaPot
members = (Manatsu, Sango, Minori, Asuka, Laura)
items = (TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCureSummer, TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCureCoral, TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCurePapaya, TropicalPact :+: HeartKuruRingCureFlamingo, MermaidAquaPact :+: HeartKuruRingCureLaMer)
transformationSpeech (members :< "子どももなれるよ!") items
From DokiDoki! PreCure:
transformationSpeech (Mana :< "ヤギさん") (LovelyCommuneSharuru :+: CureLoveads)
transformationSpeech ((Mana, Rikka, Alice, Makoto) :< "バラさん") (LovelyCommuneSharuru :+: CureLoveads, LovelyCommuneRaquel :+: CureLoveads, LovelyCommuneLance :+: CureLoveads, LovelyCommuneDavi :+: CureLoveads)
transformationSpeech ((Mana, Rikka, Alice, Makoto, Aguri) :< "タコさん") (LovelyCommuneSharuru :+: CureLoveads, LovelyCommuneRaquel :+: CureLoveads, LovelyCommuneLance :+: CureLoveads, LovelyCommuneDavi :+: CureLoveads, LoveEyesPalette :+: CureLoveads)
ghci> :{
ghci> let scene = do
....> say "この罪を抱いたまま、もう一度、グランプリンセスを目指す!"
....> scarlet <- transform Towa (PrincessPerfume :+: DressUpKeyScarlet)
....> scarletModeElegant <- transform scarlet (PrincessPerfume :+: DressUpKeyPhoenix)
....> purify scarletModeElegant (ScarletViolin :+: DressUpKeyPhoenix)
ghci> :}
ghci> :t scene
scene :: ACME.PreCure.Monad.PreCureMonad ()
ghci> composeEpisode scene
[ "この罪を抱いたまま、もう一度、グランプリンセスを目指す!"
, "プリキュア!プリンセスエンゲージ!"
, "深紅の炎のプリンセス!キュアスカーレット!"
, "冷たい檻に閉ざされた夢、返していただきますわ。"
, "お覚悟を決めなさい!"
, "エクスチェンジ!モードエレガント!"
, "スカーレット・バイオリン!フェニックス!"
, "羽ばたけ炎の翼!"
, "プリキュア! フェニックス・ブレイズ!"
, "ごきげんよう。"
The phrases are printed by line. Inspired by the similar feature of rubicure.
ghci> printEpisode scene
プリキュア! フェニックス・ブレイズ!