Apache HTTPD Web Server with NGINX ModSecurity WAF Reverse Proxy and PostgreSQL Database
This project fulfills all business/functional requirements for contest submission and also includes WAF HTTPS/TLS, Bootstrap, logging, and an advanced web application firewall.
If I were to improve upon this design, I would do:
- TLS all the way to the database
- Registration system
- Restrict upload functionality to logged in users
- Diagnose and better control WAF false positives
- Store file upload and session management in Postgres
This project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL.
docker compose build
docker compose up |& tee docker.log
Website login: secwebserv:ze$2bQeSQR8D6C
Postgres credentials: postgres:S63^oXgRT!d&tQ
Navigate to https://localhost/
docker compose down -v
docker image prune -a
(remove unreferenced dangling images)