In conference peer review, a large number of papers must be matched to a large number of reviewers automatically. Typically, each paper must be reviewed by k reviewers and each reviewer must review at least l papers and no more than u papers. Each reviewer-paper pair has an associated affinity; the higher the affinity, the better the match. Unfortunately, in most deployed paper matching systems, some papers are matched to a group of reviewers all of whom have low affinity with the paper. This is occurs for the sake of maximizing the global affinity among all papers.
In our recent work, we propose two algorithms, FairIR and FairFlow for more fairly assigning reviewers to papers. In particular, both algorithms attempt to guarantee that the sum of affinities among the reviewers assigned to all papers exceeds a problem specific thresholds. This repository includes our implementation of both algorithms, plus some of the data needed to reproduce our experimental results. More technical details appear in our KDD 2019 paper: KDD version, arXiv version.
Both the algorithms are implemented in the python (3.6) programming language.
Our code is built on top of two libraries. The first is gurobi, a powerful linear programming library. Free academic licenses are available.
The second library is or-tools, another powerful library that includes many optimization algorithms. In particular, we make use of the min-cost-flow implementation. For installation use pip:
pip install py3-ortools
To begin, change directory to the top level directory (under fair-matching). Then, initialize the project with
source bin/
All experiments are intended to be run from the same top-level directory. Each can be run similarly. To run FairIR on the MIDL data, run
sh bin/exp/ config/midl/fairir.json
To run the experiment with lower bounds, run
sh bin/exp/ config/midl/fairir-lb.json
The results of the run are stored in timestamped directory inside of the
directory. To create boxplots of the paper scores as appear in our
paper, find the timestamped directory and run, e.g.,
sh bin/plot/ exp_out/midl/fairir/2019-05-13-14-51-51/