This package contains a c++ implementation of navground_learning
PolicyBehavior that depends only on navground_core
and onnxruntime
- Build
- Install
- colcon build --packages-select navground_onnx
type: CppPolicy
policy_path: 'policy.onnx'
shared: true
If shared
is set, the same onnx model is shared between all agents/behaviors that have the same configuration and inference happens in parallel, therefore reducing inference costs significantly (e.g., by about factor 5 for crossing with 20 agents (45 us vs 200 us), which in turn reduces the total simulation cost by factor 3 (70 us vs 225 us)). Note that the onnx model finalizes its initialization when the first inference is requested for the first agent that is sharing the policy.
If shared
is not set, each behavior instantiates its own copy of the onnx policy and perform inference independently.