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Michael Wetter edited this page Jun 13, 2018 · 1 revision

Making a release

Making a new release requires administrator permission.

Modelica library

To make a release of the Modelica library, proceed as follows:

  1. Update the list of contributors in IBPSA/ as needed.

  2. Update the release notes in IBPSA/ such as in

    class Version_2_0_0 "Version 2.0.0"
    extends Modelica.Icons.ReleaseNotes;
    annotation (preferredView="info", Documentation(info="<html>
    Second release of the IBPSA library.
    end Version_2_0_0;
  3. Update the list of releases in IBPSA/, such as in

    <a href=\"modelica://IBPSA.UsersGuide.ReleaseNotes.Version_2_0_0\">Version 2.0.0</a>(June 14, 2018)
  4. Update the first lines in IBPSA/, such as

    annotation (
    dateModified = "2011-12-08",
  5. Make sure all regression tests pass on travis.

  6. Make a release at

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