SQL and PSQL builder focused on complex paginated queries
StrQLBuilder provides you a way to build native and PSQL queries using a fluent API and simplifying paging, COUNT queries and mapping to Data Transfer Object (DTO).
Behind the scenes, StrQLBuilder uses Hibernate, so we can be sure a large number of databases are supported.
Just include in your pom.xml file.
Let's start with a simple native query:
private EntityManager entityManager;
public Long findIdById(Long id) {
TypedQuery<Long> query = StrQLBuilder.createNative()
.from("TestTable t")
.where("t.id = :param1", id)
.createQuery(entityManager, Long.class);
return query.getSingleResult();
And that's it, now let's analyze it.
First, you instantiate an StrQLBuilder and start concatenating SQL clauses.
When you want to use a parameter, you simple declare it with a colon :
prefix and add it to the
Then, you call createQuery method and provide the EntityManager and the resulting DTO class (a primitive type in this case).