- Database support with PostgreSQL
- Async query with SQLAlchemy ORM
- Migration management with alembic
- A better directory structure
- Tests setup with pytest
- Testing with a real database along with setup and tear down approch
- Celery worker support (celery beat can be configured easily.)
- Repository based ORM writing for better abstraction
- Logging support
- Copy the
and create.env
file. $ docker-compose up --build -d
- Create databases by logging into the container of db. Use the following commands
$ docker-compose exec db sh
# su - postgres
$ psql
# CREATE DATABASE "fastapi_boilerplate";
# CREATE DATABASE "fastapi_boilerplate_test_db";
# \password
Enter new password for user postgres: *****
- Copy the
file toalembic.ini
. - SSH to the container and run migration command,
- Again re-run the
$ docker-compose up --build -d
- To run the tests run the following command,
$ docker-compose exec backend sh
# You will be logged in to the container shell. Then,
$ pytest
- Copy the
and create.env
file. - Create a virtualenv and activate it.
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create database from psql shell.
- Run the Server
$ uvicorn main:app --reload --port 7001
- Run celery
$ python -m celery -A core.celery worker -l INFO
- Run the tests
$ pytest
- Found something? Create an issue on this repository.
- Fork this repo.
- Work on it. Push it on your forked.
- Make a PR with Upstream(this repo)
Contributors are most welcome