COMP 472: Mini-Project 3
Train unigram and bigram models using texts found online to determine if a sentence is english, french, italian. Note: You can uncomment the commented code to additionally support portuguese. However, since portuguese is similar to italian the predication may be affected.
Simply run the class. If you would like to provide some sentences to the prediction algorithm. Add the sentences to the list of sentences in Input/first10TestSentences.txt file on a new line. The prediction of the sentence will be available in the Output/Sentences folder in the file Out1(where 1 is the sentence number in the list).
The online texts are used to train the models
System.out.println("Printing Bigram - English");
Bigram bigramEnglish = new Bigram(); // Create Bigram Model
ArrayList<Character> englishBigramCharacterArray;
englishBigramCharacterArray = cleanInput(".\\Input\\en-moby-dick.txt"); // Clean the file(i.e. è to e, etc)
englishBigramCharacterArray.addAll(cleanInput(".\\Input\\en-the-little-prince.txt")); // Add another file to training data
bigramEnglish.trainBigram(englishBigramCharacterArray); // Train model using text files
writeToFile(".\\Output\\Models\\bigramEN.txt", bigramEnglish.printProfessorBigramOutput()); // Write the Output to file
// bigramEnglish.printVerboseBigram();
// bigramEnglish.printProfessorBigramOutput();
The models are then used to predict the provided sentences.
Note: Additional texts can be provided to further train the model. However, they have to be added in the respective language section i.e
englishBigramCharacterArray = cleanInput(".\\Input\\en-moby-dick.txt"); // Clean the file(i.e. è to e, etc)
englishBigramCharacterArray.addAll(cleanInput(".\\Input\\en-the-little-prince.txt")); // Add another file to training data
Velvet robes are incredibly awesome.
ENGLISH: P(v) = 0.009044418667053675 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -2.043619342325931
FRENCH: P(v) = 0.0148647537495474 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -1.82784228094936
OTHER: P(v) = 0.022002348155660902 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -1.6575309675129444
ENGLISH: P(e) = 0.1230056600050325 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -2.9536942467206924
FRENCH: P(e) = 0.17101499241940113 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -2.5948080954718167
OTHER: P(e) = 0.12301084536844117 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -2.5675875643985253
ENGLISH: P(l) = 0.04489842582741422 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -4.301463132141693
FRENCH: P(l) = 0.053924672937911214 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -3.863020575757339
OTHER: P(l) = 0.065302813790392 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -3.7526556696883393
ENGLISH: P(v) = 0.009044418667053675 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -6.345082474467624
FRENCH: P(v) = 0.0148647537495474 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -5.690862856706699
OTHER: P(v) = 0.022002348155660902 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -5.410186637201283
... (Ouput shortened)
According to the unigram model, the sentence is in English
ENGLISH: P(e|v) = 0.6694524495677233 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -0.17428026499063828
FRENCH: P(e|v) = 0.32969855578171947 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -0.48188295524508973
OTHER: P(e|v) = 0.3275033115831821 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -0.4847843042369888
ENGLISH: P(l|e) = 0.04686226914720261 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -1.5034569509761921
FRENCH: P(l|e) = 0.06321111982659008 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -1.6810894710365982
OTHER: P(l|e) = 0.14635206321334504 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -1.3193854549126534
ENGLISH: P(v|l) = 0.005916540741601767 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -3.7313890915401444
FRENCH: P(v|l) = 0.003195699844894903 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -4.176523489452053
OTHER: P(v|l) = 0.011468117475856595 ==> log prob of sentence so far: -3.259893321836762
... (Ouput shortened)
According to the bigram model, the sentence is in English
Italian and Portguese texts are from
- English and french texts provided by the professor