RideShare This is a CS2102 Project done during AY19/20 S1. It allows users to sign up, then depending on when they sign up, they will be able to select if they want to be a driver or they want to be a passenger. Drivers are able to advertise rides and passengers are able to bid for rides. Drivers can then accept the bids in real time. At the end of the ride users can give a rating to the driver and pay for their rides. There are several other unique features like ratings, analytics, messaging, recommendations etc.
- Karnati Sai Abhishek
- Suther David Samuel
- Priyan Rajamohan
- Marc Phua
First, clone repo
$ git clone https://github.com/Samuel787/carpool.git
$ cd App
Create a .env file inside App folder with the following information in the specified format:
DATABASE URL=postgres://<username>:<password>@<host address>:<port>/<database name>
To start the client on localhost:3000:
$ node bin/www
npm i passport passport-local express-session express-flash dotenv bcrypt
Run schema.sql in the directory SQL in your psql database before launching the server