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Quick and Dirty PHP RSS Feed Generator

rss.php uses as input a number of config files in order to generate an RSS 2.0 xml feed. rss.php can be used to generate a static file (by redirecting outuput to a file) or more commonly by dropping onto a webserver that is able to run php scripts.

A typical use of this feed generator is to maintain a list of published datasets (Darwin Core Archives) and when they were last updated.


$ php rss.php | xmllint --format - > myrssfeed.xml
PHP Warning:  stat(): stat failed for in /home/dstoner/git/idigbio-feeder/rss.php on line 75
$ head myrssfeed.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:ipt="" version="2.0">
    <title>iDigBio Test Feed</title>
    <description>Test RSS Feed for iDigBio CSV Datasets.</description>
      <title>Test occurrence dataset</title>


feed.csv contains configuration for the feed itself.

Sample feed.csv:

Title, Link, Description
"iDigBio Test Feed", "http://localhost/rss.php", "Test RSS Feed for iDigBio CSV Datasets."


datasets.csv contains configuration for the list of datasets that will be mentioned in the feed.

Important Fields


Short title for the dataset.


Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) for this dataset. Best practice is to use a UUID but other identifiers such as the URL of the destination file are also sufficient.


A longer human-readable description of the contents of the target dataset file.


A local relative path or http URL to the dataset file.


A local relative path or http URL to the dataset metadata file.

Sample datasets.csv:

"Title","ID","Description","Type","Record Type","File","EMLFile"
"Test occurrence dataset","http://localhost/datasets/test.csv","A Test .csv Dataset","CSV", "occurrence","datasets/test.csv",""
"Test multimedia dataset","http://localhost/datasets/test2.csv","A Test .csv Dataset","CSV", "multimedia","datasets/test2.csv",""
"Test zipped dataset","http://localhost/datasets/","A Test Dataset","CSV-ZIP","occurrence","datasets/",""
"Test archive","http://localhost/datasets/","A Test DwC-A Dataset","DWCA","DWCA","datasets/","eml/dwca-test.eml"
"Test archive relative path","THIS_COULD_BE_A_GUID_INSTEAD_datasets/","A Test DwC-A Dataset","DWCA","DWCA","datasets/","eml/dwca-test.eml"
"Test archive at remote http location","aa57903f-620a-416d-a669-75824d6b4b7b","Test DwC-A on remote webserver with a pubdate in pubdates.csv","DWCA","DWCA","",""
"Test archive2 at remote http location","c588dad2-754c-452a-8ba3-7ca5e7f2fcb2","Test DwC-A on remote webserver with no entry in pubdates.csv","DWCA","DWCA","","


This is an optional file that is helpful when using datasets that are stored remotely (http) rather than on this webserver.

The pubDate field that appears in the finished rss feed is either determined dynamically from the local filesystem last modified date (via a "stat" operation), or by reading date values from pubdates.csv. If the "File" appears to be remote (starts with 'http') but the date is not specified in pubdates.csv, rss.php will issue a warning and will use the "zero date" as the pubDate.

The "ID" column is used to link back to the particular dataset in datasets.csv.

The "pubDate" column contains a timestamp in HTTP-date format and will be used as-is in the finished RSS feed. At this time there is no relationship between the Last-Modified returned by the remote webserver and the value entered in pubDate column, unless a human keeps them in sync.

If no better date is available, the Last-Modified header returned by the publishing webserver may provide a reasonable value to use for pubDate.

$ curl -s -I | egrep '^Last-Modified:'
Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Feb 2017 15:35:18 GMT

Sample pubdates.csv:

"","Wed, 08 Feb 2017 12:34:56 -0500"
"aa57903f-620a-416d-a669-75824d6b4b7b","Wed, 08 Feb 2017 12:34:56 -0500"


Quick and Dirty RSS Feed Generator






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