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Releases: i-love-flamingo/flamingo-commerce


03 Jul 13:52
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  • The fake search service now interprets the passed sort options.


  • add possibility to get price in main currency for a payment method
  • during add to cart delivery method is now saved in context
  • Fix: error throw by collectTotals(cart) in DefaultCartBehaviour is now bubble up


  • Fix: price in loyalty points, during calculation of loyalty charge, is now rounded mathematically according to possible currency fractions


15 Apr 09:39
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  • Breaking: Drop deprecated sourcing service SourcingServiceDetail and all things related.



  • Introduced multiple loyalty prices for one product by adding AvailablePrices to ProductLoyalty.
  • Added ActiveLoyaltyPrice to Saleable and adapted charges generation to use it instead of array


09 Feb 14:32
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  • Introduce an Action to search result to advise the frontend to perform an action for that search different from displaying the result page.
    The action model is completely open to anything, but the most common use case is to redirect certain searches directly to product detail pages or special brand landing pages.


  • Fix: Cart merge of bundle products was broken, bundle configuration is now correctly added to the new customer cart
  • Fix: Add to cart of bundle products now only fails for missing required bundle choices. As prior passing all choices with qty of zero have been required. Now optional choices with qty of zero can be omitted.
  • Fix: Correctly evaluate min / max quantities of bundle choices. Previously it was possible to add bundle choices with qty 0 even if min qty was 1.
  • Breaking(In case you have implemented a custom cart service): Extend the cart service interface with UpdateItemBundleConfig to allow updating bundles that have already been placed inside the cart.
  • GraphQL:
    • Add new mutation Commerce_Cart_UpdateItemBundleConfig to update bundle configs for existing cart items
    • Breaking Make the qty in the Commerce_Cart_ChoiceConfigurationInput type mandatory, previously 1 was taken as a default


  • initialize place order metrics with 0 on application start to follow prometheus best practices


  • GraphQL:
    • Expose Active Option (product+qty) for bundle products
    • Breaking Make the qty in the Commerce_Product_ChoiceConfigurationInput type mandatory, previously it was 0 which lead to taking the minimum required qty of that choice


21 Aug 15:45
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  • Introduce constant MaxSourceQty to indicate unlimited stock.


  • DefaultBehavior: consider discounts when updating cart item row prices
  • Make the cart merge strategy configurable, this strategy handles how a guest cart is transformed into a customer cart.
    The following strategies can be set via the config commerce.cart.mergeStrategy:
    • merge (default): Merge the content of the guest and customer cart
    • replace: Replace the customer cart with the guest cart content
    • none: Don't do anything, guest cart is lost during customer sign-in.
  • Telephone in Address is now deprecated. To distinguish phone number parts new fields were introduced: TelephoneCountryCode,
    TelephoneAreaCode, TelephoneNumber. Changes are expected to be non-breaking.


05 May 15:48
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  • Updated the DefaultCartBehaviour to be able to support other CartStorage implementations
    • Dropped the fake implementations of GiftCardHandler and VoucherHandler to not magically add some discounts


  • Add .golangci.yml and github workflow
  • Add .mockery.yaml config


  • Breaking
    • SourcingService changed types for return values for bundle product support.
      Every sourcing value is now returned per product id.


07 Mar 13:20
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  • Breaking: Move all calculations to cart behaviour implementation
    • By moving calculation responsibility, we enable different implementation possibilities for calculations like tax before or after discounts, tax on single item or sum and different tax rounding modes instead of having it hard-coded in the flamingo cart.
    • All calculation functions on cart item, shipping item, delivery and cart are now public fields for which the values must be set by the cart behaviour implementation
    • The DefaultCartBehaviour calculates all new fields accordingly
    • Removed ItemBuilder, DeliveryBuilder and Builder since they didn't provide any meaningful functionality after removing the calculations. Please create structs directly.
    • Changed the GraphQL cart model accordingly.
    • To help with the migration there are sed commands for the following fields in cart/migration.sed: run find . -type f -iname '*.go' -exec gsed -i -f migration.sed "{}" +;
    • Cart items
      • Old Function New Field
        RowPriceGrossWithDiscount() RowPriceGrossWithDiscount
        RowPriceGrossWithItemRelatedDiscount() RowPriceGrossWithItemRelatedDiscount
        RowPriceNetWithDiscount() RowPriceNetWithDiscount
        RowPriceNetWithItemRelatedDiscount() RowPriceNetWithItemRelatedDiscount
        TotalDiscountAmount() TotalDiscountAmount
        ItemRelatedDiscountAmount() ItemRelatedDiscountAmount
        NonItemRelatedDiscountAmount() NonItemRelatedDiscountAmount
    • Shipping items
      • Old Function New Field
        TotalWithDiscountInclTax() PriceGrossWithDiscounts
        - PriceNetWithDiscounts
    • Deliveries
      • Old Function New Field
        SubTotalGross() SubTotalGross
        SubTotalNet() SubTotalNet
        SumTotalDiscountAmount() TotalDiscountAmount
        SumSubTotalDiscountAmount() SubTotalDiscountAmount
        SumNonItemRelatedDiscountAmount() NonItemRelatedDiscountAmount
        SumItemRelatedDiscountAmount() ItemRelatedDiscountAmount
        SubTotalGrossWithDiscounts() SubTotalGrossWithDiscounts
        SubTotalNetWithDiscounts() SubTotalNetWithDiscounts
        GrandTotal() GrandTotal
    • Cart
      • Old Function New Field
        GrandTotal() GrandTotal
        - GrandTotalNet
        SumShippingNet() ShippingNet
        SumShippingNetWithDiscounts() ShippingNetWithDiscounts
        SumShippingGross() ShippingGross
        SumShippingGrossWithDiscounts() ShippingGrossWithDiscounts
        SubTotalGross() SubTotalGross
        SubTotalNet() SubTotalNet
        SubTotalGrossWithDiscounts() SubTotalGrossWithDiscounts
        SubTotalNetWithDiscounts() SubTotalNetWithDiscounts
        SumTotalDiscountAmount() TotalDiscountAmount
        SumNonItemRelatedDiscountAmount() NonItemRelatedDiscountAmount
        SumItemRelatedDiscountAmount() ItemRelatedDiscountAmount
        SumAppliedGiftCards() TotalGiftCardAmount
        SumGrandTotalWithGiftCards() GrandTotalWithGiftCards
        - GrandTotalNetWithGiftCards
  • Dispatch a PreCartMergeEvent before and a PostCartMergeEvent after merging a guest and customer cart when logging in
  • Update payment selection on cart merge with the guest carts' payment selection after applying coupons and giftcards and only if customer cart has no items
  • Add possibility to have additional data in AddToCartNotAllowed error
  • Deprecate BuildAddRequest in cart service (build your own add request)
  • Provide BaseCartReceiver for fetching carts without DecoratedCartFactory dependency
  • Provide Receiver interface to be able to mock receiving a cart
  • GraphQL:
    • Aggregate many input values to Commerce_Cart_AddToCart mutation in Commerce_Cart_AddToCartInput
    • Add support for bundle and configurable products in Commerce_Cart_AddToCart mutation
  • Added support for AdditionalData on CartItem Level for the defaultCartBehaviour.


  • Add possibility to have additional data in PaymentFlowActionTriggerClientSDK
  • Breaking: Disable auto canceling of orders during place order rollback, to restore old behaviour set commerce.checkout.placeorder.states.placeorder.cancelOrdersDuringRollback: true


  • Introduce Labels() function on Attribute to handle translations for attributes with multiple values, will fallback to Values() function if not translated.
  • Introduce Stock slice in BasicProductData to store more accurate information about availability for each delivery code
  • Introduce new BundleProduct and BundleProductWithActiveChoices types
  • GraphQL:
    • Add unitCode toCommerce_Product_VariationSelection_Option and Commerce_Product_ActiveVariationSelection
    • Fix mapping of VariationSelections
    • Introduce Labels for attributes here as well
    • Extend Commerce_Product query with non-mandatory bundle configuration argument
    • Add type Commerce_Product_BundleProduct that implements Commerce_Product interface and is used as bundle product graphql representation.
    • Change variantionSelections field in configurable products with variantSelection that handles all possible combinations of multi axis configurable.
  • FakeService
    • Add configuration option commerce.product.fakeservice.defaultProducts which toggles the delivery of default test products.
    • Add category facet functionality to the fake SearchService with default category facet items.
    • Add configuration option commerce.product.fakeservice.jsonTestDataCategoryFacetItems which can be used to provide your own category facet items.
    • Add new Stock field to returned SimpleProduct from service
    • Add configuration option for delivery codes commerce.product.fakeservice.deliveryCodes which can be used to provide different delivery codes for stock.


08 Nov 10:03
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  • Switch to MIT License


  • Add convenience function to clone carts
  • DefaultCartBehaviour now returns real cart clones to prevent data races on cart fields
  • API
    • Breaking: Update DELETE /api/v1/cart to actually clean the whole cart not only removing the cart items (introduces new route for the previous behaviour, see below)
    • Add new endpoint DELETE /api/v1/cart/deliveries/items to be able to remove all cart items from all deliveries but keeping delivery info and other cart data untouched
  • Add new method SumShippingGrossWithDiscounts to the cart domain which returns gross shipping costs for the cart
  • When using the ItemSplitter to split items in items with single qty (SplitInSingleQtyItems) the split discounts are reversed to make splitting the row total stable.
  • Breaking: SumTotalTaxAmount now takes taxes on shipping costs into account
  • Breaking: Delivery discount sum calculations SumTotalDiscountAmount, SumNonItemRelatedDiscountAmount, SumItemRelatedDiscountAmount now take discount on shipping costs into account
    • Old calculation is now in SumSubTotalDiscountAmount.
  • CartService
    • Add UpdateAdditionalData to be able to set additional data to cart
    • Add UpdateDeliveryAdditionalData to be able to set additional data to the delivery info
    • Introduce new interface to be able to easier mock the whole CartService
    • Add auto generated mockery mock for the CartService
    • Add new field PriceGross of shippingItem to directly get the shipping cost incl tax (must be filled by cart adapter)
  • GraphQL:
    • Add new method sumShippingGrossWithDiscounts to the Commerce_DecoratedCart type
    • Add new field sumShippingGross to the Commerce_DecoratedCart type
    • Add new field priceGross to the Commerce_Cart_ShippingItem type
    • Add new mutation Commerce_Cart_UpdateAdditionalData
    • Add new mutation Commerce_Cart_UpdateDeliveriesAdditionalData
    • Add new field customAttributes to the Commerce_CartAdditionalData type
    • Add new field additionalData to the Commerce_CartDeliveryInfo type
    • Add new type Commerce_Cart_CustomAttributes with method for getting key/value pairs
    • Breaking: Make naming convention consistent in graphql schema Commerce_Cart_*
    • Breaking: Remove the fields getAdditionalData, additionalDataKeys, additionalDeliveryInfoKeys from the Commerce_CartDeliveryInfo type
    • Breaking: Commerce_Cart_UpdateDeliveryShippingOptions mutation responded with slice of Commerce_Cart_DeliveryAddressForm which was incorrect as we don't process any form data within the mutation. It responds now rightly only with processed state.
  • Breaking: Upgrade to v4, all types are fully compatible, but import paths have to be changed


  • Introducing Flamingo events on final states of the place order process
  • Introduce a max ttl for the checkout state machine to avoid polluting the redis with stale checkout processes, defaults to 2h
  • Checkout controller: force new order id reservation if an early place happened and there was a payment issue
  • API
    • In case of an invalid cart during place order process we now expose the cart validation result, affected endpoints:
      GET /api/v1/checkout/placeorder
      POST /api/v1/checkout/placeorder/refresh
      POST /api/v1/checkout/placeorder/refresh-blocking
  • Add new Flow Action PaymentFlowActionTriggerClientSDK to the checkout
  • Breaking: Upgrade to v4, all types are fully compatible, but import paths have to be changed


  • Add mockery mocks for both Customer / CustomerIdentityService for easier testing
  • Add State field to customer address to be closer to cart address type, expose via GraphQL


  • When marshalling domain.Price to JSON the amount is rounded.
  • Fix various rounding issues with negative prices, add all rounding modes and examples to moduel readme.


  • Enhance the PriceContext to allow potential delivery specific pricing
  • GraphQL:
    • Breaking: Change activeBase of Commerce_Product_PriceInfo from Float to Commerce_Price
    • Add availablePrices to the Commerce_Product interface to display potential pricing options in the frontend
    • Add context to the Commerce_Product_PriceInfo model to be able to differ between prices

Further GraphQL improvements, clean up of JSON API

11 Feb 14:56
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  • Added desired time to DeliveryForm

  • InMemoryCartStorage: initialize lock and storage already in Inject() to avoid potential race conditions

  • API

    • Add endpoints for deleting / updating a item in the cart (DELETE/PUT: /api/v1/cart/delivery/{deliveryCode}/item)
    • Breaking: Affects v1 prefixed routes, switched to a more RESTful naming and use of the correct HTTP verbs to mark idempotent operations
      • old HTTP verb old route new HTTP verb new route
        POST /api/v1/cart/delivery/{deliveryCode}/additem POST /api/v1/cart/delivery/{deliveryCode}/item
        POST/PUT /api/v1/cart/applyvoucher POST /api/v1/cart/voucher
        POST/DELETE /api/v1/cart/removevoucher DELETE /api/v1/cart/voucher
        POST/PUT /api/v1/cart/applygiftcard POST /api/v1/cart/gift-card
        POST /api/v1/cart/applycombinedvouchergift POST /api/v1/cart/voucher-gift-card
        POST /api/v1/cart/removegiftcard DELETE /api/v1/cart/gift-card
        POST /api/v1/cart/billing PUT /api/v1/cart/billing
        POST /api/v1/cart/delivery/{deliveryCode}/deliveryinfo PUT /api/v1/cart/delivery/{deliveryCode}
        PUT /api/v1/cart/updatepaymentselection PUT /api/v1/cart/payment-selection
  • GraphQL

    • Update schema and resolver regarding desired time


  • Added cue config to module
  • Update fake service documentation
  • FakeService
    • The category fake service was added which can return a project specific category tree and categories
    • Added configuration options are fakeService.enabled and fakeService.testDataFolder to enable the fake category service and to use json files as fake categories and tree. You can find examples in the documentation of the module


  • Checkout Controller, update handling of aborted/canceled payments:
    • Cancel the order / restore the cart before generating the new idempotency key of the payment selection
  • Resolve goroutine leak in redis locker
  • Breaking Change StartPlaceOrder behaviour to always start a new one.
  • Breaking Change ClearPlaceOrderProcess behaviour to be always possible (no matter on which state)
  • API
    • Breaking: Affects v1 prefixed routes, switched to a more RESTful naming and use of the correct HTTP verbs to mark idempotent operations
      • old HTTP verb old route new HTTP verb new route
        POST /api/v1/checkout/placeorder/refreshblocking POST /api/v1/checkout/placeorder/refresh-blocking


  • GraphQL
    • Extend Commerce_Customer_Address with some useful fields
    • Extend Commerce_Customer_Result with a field for querying a specific address
    • Breaking:
      • Commerce_Customer_Address: rename field StreetNr to StreetNumber, lastname to lastName and firstname to firstName
      • Commerce_Customer_Result: defaultShippingAddress and defaultBillingAddress now can return null if there is no default address
      • Commerce_Customer_PersonData: field birthday is now nullable and of type Date.


  • Introduced wallet payment method


  • Add support for product badges
  • GraphQL
    • Breaking New schema for products:
      • Commerce_Product has been restructured and now has three subtypes: Commerce_Product_SimpleProduct, Commerce_Product_ConfigurableProduct, Commerce_Product_ActiveVariantProduct
      • Product variant data, that has previously been buried in Commerce_ConfigurableProduct.variants, has been mapped to the toplevel of each product and can be accessed directly.
      • Both ActiveVariantProduct and ConfigurableProduct provide a new property named variationSelections which exposes a list of possible attribute combinations for the configurable.
  • FakeService
    • The product fake search service is now able to return products with an active variant via fake_configurable_with_active_variant. Variation attributes have been changed to only include color and size.
    • Added configuration option jsonTestDataFolder to use json files as fake products. You can find an example product under: test/integrationtest/projecttest/tests/graphql/testdata/products/json_simple.json
    • Added fakservice documentation to the product module.
    • The product fake search service is now able to return a specific product if the given query matches the marketplace code / name of the json file of the product
    • The product fake search service returns no products if it is queried with no-results
  • Expose VariantVariationAttributesSorting on domain.ConfigurableProductWithActiveVariant
  • Breaking: Update stock handling: Remove magic alwaysInStock product attribute. Just Rely BasicProductData.StockLevel field instead.


  • Breaking
    • Optional pointer DeliveryInfo added as parameter to StockProvider.GetStock


  • Embed swagger.json via go-bindata, so it can be used from the outside

GraphQL Enhancements & New auth module

12 Aug 13:52
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This release mainly focuses on improving existing GraphQL queries/mutations, general maintenance, and the switch from the deprecated oauth module to the new auth implementation.


  • Switch module config to CUE
  • Extended product model with loyalty earnings
  • Added Rest API route to get products
  • GraphQL
    • Added values field of Attribute to the schema
    • exposed loyalty earnings
    • Added facets to fake search service
  • Expose unit of product variant attributes
  • fake: add loyalty pricing for fake_simple product, introduced fake_fixed_simple_without_discounts product


  • Breaking: Moved to new flamingo auth module, breaks several interfaces which previously relied on the OAuth module
  • Breaking
    • Cart item validation now requires the decorated cart to be passed to assure that validators don't rely on a cart from any other source (e.g. session)
    • Session added as a parameter to interface method MaxQuantityRestrictor.Restrict
    • Session added as a parameter to RestrictionService.RestrictQty
    • Changed no cache entry found error for cartCache Invalidate, Delete and DeleteAll to ErrNoCacheEntry
  • Switch module config to CUE
  • GraphQL
    • Add new mutation to set / update one or multiple delivery addresses Commerce_Cart_UpdateDeliveryAddresses
    • Add new mutation to update the shipping options (carrier / method) of an existing delivery Commerce_Cart_UpdateDeliveryShippingOptions
    • Add new mutation to clean current users cart Commerce_Cart_Clean
    • Add new query to check if a product is restricted in terms of the allowed quantity Commerce_Cart_QtyRestriction
    • Add new field sumPaymentSelectionCartSplitValueAmountByMethods to the Commerce_Cart_Summary which sums up cart split amounts of the payment selection by the provided methods.
    • Expose PaymentSelection.CartSplit() via GraphQL, add new types Commerce_Cart_PaymentSelection_Split and Commerce_Cart_PaymentSelection_SplitQualifier
    • Breaking: renamed the following GraphQL types
      • type Commerce_Cart_BillingAddressFormData is now Commerce_Cart_AddressForm
      • input Commerce_BillingAddressFormInput is now Commerce_Cart_AddressFormInput
      • type Commerce_Charge is now Commerce_Price_Charge
      • type Commerce_ChargeQualifier is now Commerce_Price_ChargeQualifier
      • input Commerce_ChargeQualifierInput is now Commerce_Price_ChargeQualifierInput
  • Adjusted log level for cache entry not found error when trying to delete the cached cart


  • Breaking: renamed GetId to GetID in domain.Customer interface
  • introduced new CustomerIdentityService to retrieve authenticated customers by auth.Identity
  • Breaking: removed CustomerService please use CustomerIdentityService
  • GraphQL: Add new customer queries:
    • Commerce_Customer_Status returns the customer's login status
    • Commerce_Customer returns the logged-in customer


  • Deprecate Sourcing service port in checkout (activate if required with setting commerce.checkout.activateDeprecatedSourcing)
  • Make cart validation before place order optional with configuration
  • State Machine
    • Add additional metrics to monitor place order flow
      • flamingo_commerce_checkout_placeorder_starts
      • flamingo_commerce_checkout_placeorder_state_run_count
      • flamingo_commerce_checkout_placeorder_state_failed_count
    • Add a step to validate the payment selection if needed. The step provides a port to be implemented if needed.
  • Expose place order endpoints also via rest
  • Checkout controller, update to the error handling:
    • In case of a payment error, the checkout controller will now redirect to the checkout/review action instead of just rendering the matching template on the current route.
    • Same applies in case of an error during place order, the checkout controller will now redirect to the checkout step.
    • In both cases the error will be stored as a flash message in the session before redirecting, the target action will then receive it and pass it to the template view data.


  • Switch module config to CUE
  • Update pagination module configuration. Use commerce.pagination namespace for configuration now.
  • GraphQL
    • Breaking simplified Commerce_Search_SortOption type
    • Breaking use GraphQL specific search result type
    • Added facets resolver


  • GraphQL
    • Breaking moved GraphQL dto package to categorydto


  • Add Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specification to project, using swaggo/swag
  • Add a new "sourcing" module that can be used standalone. See sourcing/ for more details


  • Breaking: Switch from flamingo oauth module to the new auth module, to keep w3cdatalayer working please configure the new auth module accordingly


  • Breaking: removed interface CustomerOrderService please use CustomerIdentityOrderService
  • Update config path: order.useFakeAdapters to commerce.order.useFakeAdapter

Support for fully discounted carts and GraphQL improvements

09 Apr 09:47
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  • Fixed a bug that causes the datalayer to panic if it failed to build an absolute url
  • Introduced a configuration option to choose between base64url and hex encoding for the hashed values
  • Move config to commerce namespace, from w3cDatalayer to commerce.w3cDatalayer
  • Add legacy config mapping so old mappings can still be used
  • Add cue based config to have config validation in place


  • Controller
    • Allow checkout for fully discounted carts without payment processing. Previously all checkouts needed a valid payment to continue.
      In case there is nothing to pay this can be skipped.
      • Order ID will be reserved as soon as the user hits the checkout previously it was done before starting the payment
  • GraphQL
    • Update place order process to also allow zero carts which don't need payment, this leads to a state flow that lacks the payment steps.
      See module readme for further details.
  • Update source service to support external location codes.
    • Adds ExternalLocationCode to the Source struct.
    • Update SetSourcesForCartItems() to use the new SourcingServiceDetail functionality if the bound service implements the interface
  • Update OrderService to expose more metrics regarding the place order process:


  • inMemoryBehaviour: Allow custom logic for GiftCard / Voucher handling
    • We introduced two new interfaces GiftCardHandler + VoucherHandler
    • This enables users of the in-memory cart to add project specific gift card and voucher handling
  • Fix CreateInitialDeliveryIfNotPresent so that cache gets updated now when an initial delivery is created
  • GraphQL: Add new cart validation query Commerce_Cart_Validator to check if cart contains valid items


  • IsZero() now uses LikelyEqual() instead of Equal() to avoid issues occurring due to floating-point arithmetic


  • product attributes:
    • Added AttributesByKey domain method to filter attributes by key and exposed this method as getAttributesByKey in GraphQL
    • GraphQL: Exposing codeLabel property in the Commerce_ProductAttribute type


  • Introduced error message for already used idempotency key