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rains-graphql-java-extended 基于graphql-java,springboot;为了完善graphql方案进行的扩展。主要是自定义类型和自定义指令的扩展


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rains-graphql-java-extended 基于graphql-java. [springboot],为了完善graphql方案进行的扩展。 主要是自定义类型和自定义指令的扩展。

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  • 自定义类型
    • 时间类型
      • java.util.Date, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalDateTime
    • 对象(树)类型
  • 自定义指令Directive
    • 验证指令
      • @Size 验证长度,集合大小等
      • @Expression el表达式
      • @AssertFalse 验证为false为合法
      • @AssertTrue 验证为true为合法
      • @DecimalMax 验证最大值
      • @DecimalMin 验证最小值
      • @Digits 验证数字格式
      • @Max 验证最大值
      • @Mix 验证最小值
      • @Negative验证负数
      • @NegativeOrZero 验证负数或者0
      • @NotBlank 非空
      • @NotEmpty 非空且值非空
      • @Pattern 验证表达式是否匹配
      • @Positive 正数
      • @PositiveOrZero 正数或者0
      • @Range 范围



java.util.Date, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalDateTime

Format                   JSON String
yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:ss.SSS 2017-07-09 13:14:45.94


Format       JSON String
HH:MM:ss.SSS 17:59:59.129
HH:MM:ss 17:59:59
HH:MM 17:59
scalar TreeNode
type Tree {
    id: ID
    parentId: ID
    name: String
    children: TreeNode

input Application {
    name : String @Size( max : 100)

extend type  Query {
    hired (applications : [Application!] @Size(max : 3 )) : Boolean


Spring Boot

Add graphql-extended-spring-boot-starter starter to your project first.



Add folowing to your pom.xml:



Add folowing to your build.gradle:

compile 'com.rains.graphql:graphql-extended-spring-boot-starter:2.10.5'


Add these scalars to your .graphqls schema file:

# java.util.Date implementation
scalar Date

# java.time.LocalDate implementation
scalar LocalDate

# java.time.LocalDateTime implementation
scalar LocalDateTime

# java.time.LocalTime implementation
scalar LocalTime

# javal.time.OffsetDateTime implementation
scalar OffsetDateTime 

# 树children类型
scalar TreeNode

directive @Size(min : Int = 0, max : Int = 2147483647, message : String = "graphql.validation.Size.message")


        scalarName: MyDate
        pattern: yyyy年MM月dd日 HH小时mm分ss秒
        scalarName: MyLocalDate



The boolean value must be false.

  • Example : updateDriver( isDrunk : Boolean @AssertFalse) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Boolean

  • SDL : directive @AssertFalse(message : String = "graphql.validation.AssertFalse.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.AssertFalse.message


The boolean value must be true.

  • Example : driveCar( hasLicence : Boolean @AssertTrue) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Boolean

  • SDL : directive @AssertTrue(message : String = "graphql.validation.AssertTrue.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.AssertTrue.message


The element must be a number whose value must be less than or equal to the specified maximum.

  • Example : driveCar( bloodAlcoholLevel : Float @DecimalMax(value : "0.05") : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String, Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @DecimalMax(value : String!, inclusive : Boolean! = true, message : String = "graphql.validation.DecimalMax.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.DecimalMax.message


The element must be a number whose value must be greater than or equal to the specified minimum.

  • Example : driveCar( carHorsePower : Float @DecimalMin(value : "300.50") : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String, Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @DecimalMin(value : String!, inclusive : Boolean! = true, message : String = "graphql.validation.DecimalMin.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.DecimalMin.message


The element must be a number inside the specified integer and fraction range.

  • Example : buyCar( carCost : Float @Digits(integer : 5, fraction : 2) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String, Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @Digits(integer : Int!, fraction : Int!, message : String = "graphql.validation.Digits.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Digits.message


The provided expression must evaluate to true. The expression language is Java EL and expressions MUST resolve to a boolean value, ie. it is valid or not.

  • Example : drivers( first : Int, after : String!, last : Int, before : String) : DriverConnection @Expression(value : "${args.containsOneOf('first','last') }"

  • Applies to : All Types and Scalars

  • SDL : directive @Expression(value : String!, message : String = "graphql.validation.Expression.message") on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Expression.message


The element must be a number whose value must be less than or equal to the specified maximum.

  • Example : driveCar( horsePower : Float @Max(value : 1000) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @Max(value : Int! = 2147483647, message : String = "graphql.validation.Max.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Max.message


The element must be a number whose value must be greater than or equal to the specified minimum.

  • Example : driveCar( age : Int @Min(value : 18) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @Min(value : Int! = 0, message : String = "graphql.validation.Min.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Min.message


The element must be a negative number.

  • Example : driveCar( lostLicencePoints : Int @Negative) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @Negative(message : String = "graphql.validation.Negative.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Negative.message


The element must be a negative number or zero.

  • Example : driveCar( lostLicencePoints : Int @NegativeOrZero) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @NegativeOrZero(message : String = "graphql.validation.NegativeOrZero.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.NegativeOrZero.message


The String must contain at least one non-whitespace character, according to Java's Character.isWhitespace().

  • Example : updateAccident( accidentNotes : String @NotBlank) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String

  • SDL : directive @NotBlank(message : String = "graphql.validation.NotBlank.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.NotBlank.message


The element must have a non zero size.

  • Example : updateAccident( accidentNotes : [Notes]! @NotEmpty) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String, Lists, Input Objects

  • SDL : directive @NotEmpty(message : String = "graphql.validation.NotEmpty.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.NotEmpty.message


The String must match the specified regular expression, which follows the Java regular expression conventions.

  • Example : updateDriver( licencePlate : String @Patttern(regex : "[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]") : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String

  • SDL : directive @Pattern(regexp : String! =".*", message : String = "graphql.validation.Pattern.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Pattern.message


The element must be a positive number.

  • Example : driver( licencePoints : Int @Positive) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @Positive(message : String = "graphql.validation.Positive.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Positive.message


The element must be a positive number or zero.

  • Example : driver( licencePoints : Int @PositiveOrZero) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @PositiveOrZero(message : String = "graphql.validation.PositiveOrZero.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.PositiveOrZero.message


The element range must be between the specified min and max boundaries (inclusive). It accepts numbers and strings that represent numerical values.

  • Example : driver( milesTravelled : Int @Range( min : 1000, max : 100000)) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String, Byte, Short, Int, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Float

  • SDL : directive @Range(min : Int = 0, max : Int = 2147483647, message : String = "graphql.validation.Range.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Range.message


The element size must be between the specified min and max boundaries (inclusive).

  • Example : updateDrivingNotes( drivingNote : String @Size( min : 1000, max : 100000)) : DriverDetails

  • Applies to : String, Lists, Input Objects

  • SDL : directive @Size(min : Int = 0, max : Int = 2147483647, message : String = "graphql.validation.Size.message") on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

  • Message : graphql.validation.Size.message


To report any bug, please use the project Issues section on GitHub.


Copyright © 2018-2019 hugoDD. All rights reserved.

This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


rains-graphql-java-extended 基于graphql-java,springboot;为了完善graphql方案进行的扩展。主要是自定义类型和自定义指令的扩展







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