- Enter the coefficients and let us do the rest.
- We'll show you the assembled equation.
- Calculate the discriminant and roots.
- Visualize the parabola with a graph.
This program isn't just limited to solving quadratic equations; it can also visualize them! The code utilizes the matplotlib library to generate a graph of the equation based on the user's input. This graphical representation can be particularly helpful in understanding the relationship between the coefficients and the solution's behavior.
Distriminant: D = b^2 - 4ac
- when dicriminant is positive, equation has two real solutions
- when dicriminant is zero, equation has just one solution
- when dicriminant is negative, equation has two complex solutions
D > 0 -> 2 real roots
D = 0 -> 1 real root (Root1 = Root2)
D < 0 -> 2 complex roots
It is possible insert only integers.
Unit tests can be run using command python -m unittest