requirements.txt---Contains all the packages that are needed to be installed during the project development. build the whole application as a package itself and maintains all the packages. all the information in a log file so that the developers can always be aware of the workflow of their own project."from import logging". the CustomException class which can be imported in any file and raise CustomException. This enables a developer to review the errors during project development."from import CustomException" all the handy user-defined functions which can be useful in many files of the project. the code for the web app(Flask)
Templates folder---Contains the html files.
src folder---consists of several sub folders like 'components', 'pipeline'
components folder---Consists of 'data' in which the train and test datasets are loaded, consists of '' which contains the whole code for feature engineering, consists of '' which contains the code for training and testing the machine learning models such as Logistic regression,RandomForest and Xgboost.
pipeline folder---Consists of '' which contains the code that takes the data given by the web app user and predicts the output(went_on_backorder:Yes or No).
artifacts folder--- contains all the pickle files loaded during the data ingestion, data transformation and model training process which are useful for prediction pipeline