⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️
Minimum Ruby version is 2.5 and minimum Rails version is 5.0.
- chore: give dependabot PRs better title (#217) | @vreynolds
- ci: use context for publishing ruby gem (#219) | @JamieDanielson
- ci: update validate PR title workflow (#216) | @pkanal
- ci: validate PR title (#214) | @pkanal
- docs: update readme (#225) | @pkanal
- docs: add otel recommendation to readme (#222) | @pkanal
- maint: drop support for Ruby < 2.5 and Rails < 5.0 (#227) | @robbkidd
- maint: update author to honeycomb (#220) | @JamieDanielson
- maint: delete workflows for old board (#212) | @vreynolds
- maint: add release file (#211) | @vreynolds
- maint: add new project workflow (#210) | @vreynolds
- maint: handle recent Rack v3 changes in tests & example (#209) | @emilyashley
- maint: add ruby 3.1 to CI matrix (#206) | @vreynolds
- maint: fix nightly build (#205) | @vreynolds
- maint: drop testing for Faraday 0 under Ruby 2.2 (#204) | @robbkidd