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Vietnam Maps

Database of Vietnam's area.

Data are taken directly from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam.

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads


composer require hoangphi/vietnam-maps


Method 1:

Extract directly via command:

php artisan vietnam-map:install

Method 2:

Copy file config và migration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="HoangPhi\VietnamMap\VietnamMapServiceProvider"

Customize config và migration

  1. Rename table

Open file config/vietnam-maps.php and config:

'tables' => [
    'provinces' => 'provinces',
    'districts' => 'districts',
    'wards'     => 'wards',
  1. Rename column

Open file config/vietnam-maps.php and config:

'columns' => [
    'name'        => 'name',
    'gso_id'      => 'gso_id',
    'province_id' => 'province_id',
    'district_id' => 'district_id',
  1. Add column

Open the following migration files and customize if you need:


Run migration

php artisan migrate

Download và import into database

php artisan vietnam-map:download

Usage with Models

  1. Get all provinces, districts, wards
    use HoangPhi\VietnamMap\Models\Province;
    use HoangPhi\VietnamMap\Models\District;
    use HoangPhi\VietnamMap\Models\Ward;

   class DevController extends Controller
       public function dev()
           $provinces = Province::all();
           $districts = District::all();
           $wards = Ward::all();
  1. Get data using relationship
    use HoangPhi\VietnamMap\Models\Province;

   class DevController extends Controller
       public function dev()
           $province = Province::first();
           $districts = $province->districts;
  1. Relation in Province.php
    class Province extends Model
        public function districts()
            return $this->hasMany(District::class);
  1. Relation in District.php
    class District extends Model
        public function province()
            return $this->belongsTo(Province::class, config('vietnam-maps.columns.province_id'), 'id');
        public function wards()
            return $this->hasMany(Ward::class);
  1. Relation in Ward.php
    class Ward extends Model
        public function district()
            return $this->belongsTo(District::class, config('vietnam-maps.columns.district_id'), 'id');


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



  1. General Statistics Office of Vietnam
  2. Vietnam Zone


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.