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This library provides an abstract language switching controller, some utilities for writing Welsh dates and a (deprecated) language toggle component.

If you are using play-frontend-hmrc component library, this library should not be used directly. Instead, please use the new hmrcLanguageSelectHelper component.

LanguageUtils helpers

These helpers allow for the formatting of dates, in both English and Welsh.

There was an API change from version 4.x.x to 5.x.x, to remove the deprecated joda.time library from play-language.

From version 5.0.0 onwards, dates should be passed in as instances of java.time.LocalDate, not joda.time.LocalDate, and dates with times should be passed in as instances of java.time.LocalDateTime, not joda.time.DateTime.

Setup (for play-ui users only)

Add the library to the project dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-language-play-xx" % "[INSERT VERSION]"

Where play-xx is your version of Play (e.g. play-29).

Ensure to add the resolvers to your plugins.sbt:

resolvers += MavenRepository("HMRC-open-artefacts-maven2", "")
resolvers += Resolver.url("HMRC-open-artefacts-ivy", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-auto-build" % "[INSERT VERSION 3.0.0 OR HIGHER]")

Configuration (for play-ui users only)

Create your own custom LanguageController

import javax.inject.Singleton
import play.api.i18n.Lang
import{LanguageController, LanguageUtils}
import play.api.mvc._

class CustomLanguageController @Inject()(
                                        cc: ControllerComponents,
                                        languageUtils: LanguageUtils
                                      ) extends LanguageController(languageUtils, cc) {
  import appConfig._

  override protected def languageMap: Map[String, Lang] = {
    if (appConfig.welshLanguageSupportEnabled) Map(en -> Lang(en), cy -> Lang(cy))
    else Map(en -> Lang(en))

  override def fallbackURL: String =


The language map sets the display language for the name in the selection html element mapped to the language code to use.

Add the following to the application conf file for each language you support:

play.i18n.langs = ["en", "cy"]

Add the following to your application's custom routes file.

GET     /language/:lang String)

In order to show each language text to the user, create a messages.xx file within /conf, where xx is the language code, and put your translations within there, using the same message keys.

Using play-language's language_selection.scala.html: (for play-ui users only)

Add the following to your AppConfig trait.

  def languageMap: Map[String, Lang] = Map(
    "english" -> Lang("en"),
    "cymraeg" -> Lang("cy"))

  def routeToSwitchLanguage = (lang: String) => routes.CustomLanguageController.switchToLanguage(lang)

In your main template:


If you wish to filter the languages displayed in your language selector to only display enabled languages, you can wrap you language Map in the LanguageUtils.onlyAvailableLanguages function. Example, in your AppConfig class:

import javax.inject.Inject

class AppConfig @Inject()(languageUtils: LanguageUtils) {
  def languageMap: Map[String, Lang] = languageUtils.onlyAvailableLanguages(
      "english" -> Lang("en"),
      "cymraeg" -> Lang("cy")

  def routeToSwitchLanguage = (lang: String) => routes.CustomLanguageController.switchToLanguage(lang)

Using govuk-template:

Pass the following arguments to your template renderer

"langSelector" -> {
    "enUrl" -> controllers.routes.CustomLanguageController.switchToLanguage("english"),
    "cyUrl" -> controllers.routes.CustomLanguageController.switchToLanguage("cymraeg")
"isWelsh" -> (messages.lang.code == "cy")


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.