- Hitrust - Rustaceans from Harbin Institute of Technology.
- λ Magic - Functional Programming, Type Theory, Magical Spells.
- HITLUG - Harbin Institute of Technology *nix User Group and Mirrors Maintaining.
- Hackergame - 中国科学技术大学信息安全大赛,与哈工大各俱乐部联合举办
- Talent Challenge - A platform that offers a structured remote mentoring program for college students successfully completing talent plan courses or having contributed to TiDB projects.
- 计软语你讲师团 - 课件习题分享以及 2018 级语你讲师团的视频讲解。
- Awesome Hitrust - A curated list of Rust code and resources from Hitrust.
- Languages Playground - Learn Rust, OCaml, Haskell, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C++, Java and more.