Releases: highcharts/highcharts-ios
Releases · highcharts/highcharts-ios
Version 6.1.2
- Added parameter to xAxis.labels.formatter in addition to scope, allowing arrow functions as formatters. Closes #8580.
- Adjusted the threshold for when a contrasted data label turns white or black.
Framework bug fixes:
- Fixed #3589, inconsistent data label position in the waterfall series.
- Fixed #7097, rendering problem when animating 3D pie charts while hovering.
- Fixed #7484, update tooltip position when dragging and followTouchMove is enabled.
- Fixed #7649, error on 3d pie drilldown and drill up.
- Fixed #8024, empty gap in connector line in place of a null value.
- Fixed #8284, multiple markers did not follow points' positions when adding new points.
- Fixed #8355, error on running Series.setData on boosted series with the updatePoints parameter.
- Fixed #8506, refactored mapping data to appropriate bins in histograms. Closes #8646.
- Fixed #8529, not defining series in options for a 3D chart threw an error.
- Fixed #8532, hover color was ignored in sankey diagrams.
- Fixed #8561, legend keyboard navigation with useHTML.
- Fixed #8621, conditions extended in getSlotWidth wrap function.
- Fixed #8627, demo for legend navigation was not working correctly on Windows.
- Fixed #8633, implemented support for standard marker symbols in boost.
- Fixed #8638, legend with proximate layout was misplaced when all points were nulls.
- Fixed #8641, error on updating 3D chart when created empty.
- Fixed #8659, treemap child nodes were not clickable due to wrong animation of fill attribute to none.
- Fixed #8662, series names were random when seriesMapping object property had values more than 10.
- Fixed #8666, error in styled mode when trying to read a dataLabel style property.
- Fixed #8682, old sankey nodes were not destroyed when updating the series data.
- Fixed #8690, plotOptions.vector.rotationOrigin not working properly.
- Fixed #8699, flags were missing in current time frame.
- Fixed #8704, the useHTML option did not take effect on rotated data labels, specifically on the sunburst series.
- Fixed #8708, print chart sometimes showed empty chart in Chrome when Boost was enabled.
- Fixed #8713, setting cropThreshold on a windbarb series broke the chart.
- Fixed #8731, boosted area displayed beyond pane when threshold was outside pane.
- Fixed #8742, glitch in stack label overlapping detection.
- Fixed #8768, missing ticks at the end of datetime axes if local system was in a half-hour time zone.
- Fixed #8773, background color of scrollable plot are was not extended, caused page background to bleed through.
- Fixed #8777, IE7 didn't display pie chart due to badly named some function.
- Fixed #8789, a regression causing the axis labels to take up too much space in some cases when using HTML.
- Fixed #8791, solid gauge didn't respect updating colorIndex on points.
- Fixed #8795, console errors when zoomed in and using Series.setData with redraw set to false.
- Fixed #8797, scrolling not available when scrollablePlotArea was combined with responsive options.
- Fixed #8809, a regression causing misplaced HTML axis labels after drilling down and up.
- Fixed #8818, shared tooltip in boost mode didn't always pick up all points.
- Fixed #8820, chart.scrollablePlotArea option didn't play well with title.useHTML and other useHTML cases.
- Fixed #8824, make sure checkboxes stay fixed with chart.scrollablePlotArea enabled.
- Fixed #8830, orphaned data labels on points outside Y axis range on xrange series.
- Fixed #8834, exceptions on rendering stack labels on out-of-scale axis.
- Fixed #6794, 'cursor: pointer' wasn't working for data labels with 'useHTML: true'.
Version 6.1.1
- CSV/PDF export in
module. - Asign a dictionary with options to the chart options.
- Fixed #90 (chart auto update on options change).
- HIFunction with event param as a context for events.
- Added new feature, proximate legend layout, to allow placing legend items close to the data series.
- Added new option, tooltip.outside, to allow the tooltip to render outside the confinement of the chart area. Closes #5784.
- Added clearer error reporting to offline exporting. Closes #8226.
- Added default for data.weight in Word Cloud.
- Added feature, event ordering for controlling what handler runs first when multiple modules are used.
- Added new default behaviour for sunburst data labels, rotationMode: 'auto'. Now the best fit will be calculated. See #8502.
- Added support for polar parallel coordinate charts (star plots).
- Added symbol for month number without leading zero. Closes #8150.
Framework bug fixes:
- Fixed #4377, exporting context menu did not hide on button click.
- Fixed #8021, missing points after zoom in scatter 3d.
- Fixed #8031, columns overlapped xAxis.
- Fixed #8042, axis labels had the same slot width on 3d charts
- Fixed #8140, series legend items didn't show up when colorAxis.showInlegend was false.
- Fixed #8159, useHTML caused that treemap data label was misplaced
- Fixed #8163, added xAxis.reversedStacks option to control stacks order within a columns group.
- Fixed #8173, crosshair did not work properly with variwide.
- Fixed #8173, missing unit test.
- Fixed #8181, wordcloud missed large words.
- Fixed #8187, stackLabels in bar chart were misaligned.
- Fixed #8210, a regression causing axis labels to not expand after having ellipsis.
- Fixed #8214, missing space character before tracker class definition.
- Fixed #8234, a regression causing overlapping X axis labels on drilldown.
- Fixed #8241, use secure URLs in themes.
- Fixed #8243, the way of calculating axis slotWidth changed.
- Fixed #8245, regression causing data.parsed callback not being called on loading Google Spreadsheets.
- Fixed #8273, offline export bug due to nested function wrap.
- Fixed #8276, wrong z-index for halo in styled mode.
- Fixed #8277, missing top neck of reversed funnel.
- Fixed #8330, overlapping pie data labels due to a bug in the label distribution algorithm.
- Fixed #8358, export icon was not disabled using responsive rule.
- Fixed #8365, indicator calculated wrong values for long and short sma.
- Fixed #8377, chart disappeared after resizing a hidden chart inside a padded div.
- Fixed #8392, plotbands update zIndex issue.
- Fixed #8393, annotations are not exported when added dynamically.
- Fixed #8402, boost not rendering well with bubble chart and missing z values.
- Fixed #8406, colorAxis did not get new series extremes after chart update.
- Fixed #8407, scatter series added to a 3D chart via chart.addSeries was not converted to a scatter3d series.
- Fixed #8415, className option did not work on plot lines.
- Fixed #8428, pie chart slice did not show after visibility changes.
- Fixed #8438, combination charts from CSV didn't lay out properly without seriesMapping.
- Fixed #8444, axis title rendered a title tag when wrapped across two or more lines.
- Fixed #8456, improved 3d projection matrix property.
- Fixed #8467, regression causing long axis labels being clipped when using HTML in combination with whiteSpace: nowrap.
- Fixed #8477, plot line labels didn't work in browsers that support Array.prototype.flat.
- Fixed #8478, a regression causing duplicated legend items when using color axis and dynamically adding series.
- Fixed #8481, chart update with type: bar didn't work.
- Fixed #8494, incorrect assignment in data export for multiple pie charts.
- Fixed #8515, padding was not applied to data labels in sunburst series.
- Fixed #8531, random data labels in sunburst chart were hidden.
- Fixed #8181, regression with drilling up by clicking root node in Sunburst.
- Fixed build scripts which returned to early, instead of waiting for promise to resolve.
- Fixed disabling animation in pattern fills.
- Fixed export menu rendering below axis when scrollablePlotArea was used. See #8316.
- Fixed issue where image patterns could not have translucent opacity with default animation.
- Fixed issue with scrollablePlotArea being applied on exported charts. See #8316.
- Fixed issue with image patterns in IE not always being shown if images were cached.
- Fixed issue with initialValue was always supplied to reduce.
- Fixed scrollablePlotArea, the scroll jumped back to original scrollPositionX after toggling series. See #8316.
- Fixed stuck series labels.
Version 6.1.0
Development version containing x86_64 and i386 architectures for simulator operation.
- Added feature for loading data directly from a CSV URL or JSON resource, and keeping it dynamically updated through the data.enablePolling option.
- Added examples of themes with styled mode: dark-unica, sand-signika, grid-light.
- Added feature to animate the series when updating data through Series.setData, Series.update or Chart.update. The new logic looks for matching X values and can be disabled through setData's updatePoints option.
- Added Open in Cloud functionality in the export-data module.
- Added pattern fill module.
- Added new feature, chart.scrollablePlotArea, to provide smooth scrolling of data on small devices.
- Added animation parameter to Chart.update.
- Added default max-width for pie data labels to avoid long labels squeezing the pie itself.
- Added new option, data.beforeParse, to allow modifying the CSV when using the data.csvURL option.
- Added new option, legend.alignColumns, providing better default layout for multiline horizontal legends.
- Added support for Infinity and -Infinity values for plotOptions.area.threshold, to make the area extend towards either Y axis extreme. Closes #8139.
- Added support for nested series.keys.
- Added options minFontSize and maxFontSize to Wordcloud.
Framework bug fixes:
- Fixed #7792 #7791, inverted charts not clipping correctly in Boost.
- Added max distance to the label distribution function, so pie data labels and flags are not drawn too far away from the anchor point.
- Fixed #4881, data labels with useHTML caused recursion error in Firefox on Windows.
- Fixed #7026, export-data did not work when the boost module was active.
- Fixed #7103, dataLabels not cropped outside extremes.
- Fixed #7186, added new build script to dist task. Build and includes es-modules in distribution.
- Fixed #7362, dataLabels were overlapping when rotation was set.
- Fixed #7383, SVG title tag not configurable.
- Fixed #7491, missing words in Wordcloud because of too small playing field.
- Fixed #7604, axes ticks were wrongly aligned when startOnTick or endOnTick were set to alse.
- Fixed #7639, wrong extremes after repeated zoom in scatter charts.
- Fixed #7798, stack labels weren't correctly positioned with multiple yAxis
- Fixed #7850, legacy IE wasn't getting classes of DOM elements correctly.
- Fixed #7857, panning was not working when xAxis was reversed.
- Fixed #7862, connector lines were not visible in waterfall series when negativeColor was used.
- Fixed #7874, wrong legend item positions when using HTML after setting chart size.
- Fixed #7894, legend.verticalAlign top failed with no chart title.
- Fixed #7896, streamgraph rendering and tooltip issues with single series.
- Fixed #7898, drillup button with long text was not correctly aligned after multi-level drilldown.
- Fixed #7906, error in gauge chart if no yAxis.labels config was provided in styled mode.
- Fixed #7931, error in series-label module when animating while chart was destroyed.
- Fixed #7933, setting startPoint dynamically failed when data set was empty initially.
- Fixed #7942, yAxis ticks and title had wrong positions after toggling series visibility.
- Fixed #7957, custom buttons in exporting didn't rescale image symbols.
- Fixed #7965, could not toggle the chart.reflow option dynamically with chart.update().
- Fixed #7968, a regression causing ellipsis setting not to work.
- Fixed #7975, long pie chart data labels were not correctly truncated, and could not be disabled.
- Fixed #7986, invalid exported CSS when using comma item delimiter and best-guess decimal point in European locales.
- Fixed #7991, treemap had wrong root on export.
- Fixed #7996, polar chart with particular values was rendered wrong.
- Fixed #8008, drilldown data points set as arrays with keys failed.
- Fixed #8014, Chart.setTitle didn't result in legend position updating.
- Fixed #8060, markers flickering after setData() when redraw was deferred.
- Fixed #8073, animation of graph with center step was distorted.
- Fixed #8075, adding and removing axes dynamically caused redraw error.
- Fixed #8083, wrong crosshair width and position for variwide chart.
- Fixed #8092, plotOptions.bubble.sizeByAbsoluteValue did not render bubbles when z-values were very close.
- Fixed #8100, arearange markers did not correctly support negativeColor and zones.
- Fixed #8101, wrong decimal separator in tooltip with multiple values.
- Fixed #8104, selected state attributes for a point were not applied in xrange series.
- Fixed #8106, context was not preserved inside lin2log and log2lin axis functions.
- Fixed #8119, point class name was not applied to the halo and connector.
- Fixed #8129, yAxis with tickPixelInterval=1 rendered tick close to zero instead of zero.
- Fixed Series.update to support soft series name without recreating series.
- Fixed data module failing to initialize chart when the data config was empty.
- Fixed errors in plugins when destroying a chart from its own callback.
- Fixed issue with legend navigation sometimes not focusing for single legend item charts.
- Fixed issues with resizing points with autocalculated pattern dimensions.
- Chart update feature: changing any object from the chart's options causes the chart to be updated automatically.
Also added a methodupdateOptions
for updating the chart options manually. - Functions feature: added support for Objective-C/Swift blocks in HIFunction.
- New api reference (documentation).
Bitcode support enabled
Now you can archive your app with bitcode enabled.
Bitcode fix
Now bitcode bug should be fixed
Instance from storyboard allowed
Use [chartView loadChart] to load options