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Releases: highcharts/highcharts-ios


21 Sep 20:48
@mll mll
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Version 6.1.2


  1. Added parameter to xAxis.labels.formatter in addition to scope, allowing arrow functions as formatters. Closes #8580.
  2. Adjusted the threshold for when a contrasted data label turns white or black.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #3589, inconsistent data label position in the waterfall series.
  2. Fixed #7097, rendering problem when animating 3D pie charts while hovering.
  3. Fixed #7484, update tooltip position when dragging and followTouchMove is enabled.
  4. Fixed #7649, error on 3d pie drilldown and drill up.
  5. Fixed #8024, empty gap in connector line in place of a null value.
  6. Fixed #8284, multiple markers did not follow points' positions when adding new points.
  7. Fixed #8355, error on running Series.setData on boosted series with the updatePoints parameter.
  8. Fixed #8506, refactored mapping data to appropriate bins in histograms. Closes #8646.
  9. Fixed #8529, not defining series in options for a 3D chart threw an error.
  10. Fixed #8532, hover color was ignored in sankey diagrams.
  11. Fixed #8561, legend keyboard navigation with useHTML.
  12. Fixed #8621, conditions extended in getSlotWidth wrap function.
  13. Fixed #8627, demo for legend navigation was not working correctly on Windows.
  14. Fixed #8633, implemented support for standard marker symbols in boost.
  15. Fixed #8638, legend with proximate layout was misplaced when all points were nulls.
  16. Fixed #8641, error on updating 3D chart when created empty.
  17. Fixed #8659, treemap child nodes were not clickable due to wrong animation of fill attribute to none.
  18. Fixed #8662, series names were random when seriesMapping object property had values more than 10.
  19. Fixed #8666, error in styled mode when trying to read a dataLabel style property.
  20. Fixed #8682, old sankey nodes were not destroyed when updating the series data.
  21. Fixed #8690, plotOptions.vector.rotationOrigin not working properly.
  22. Fixed #8699, flags were missing in current time frame.
  23. Fixed #8704, the useHTML option did not take effect on rotated data labels, specifically on the sunburst series.
  24. Fixed #8708, print chart sometimes showed empty chart in Chrome when Boost was enabled.
  25. Fixed #8713, setting cropThreshold on a windbarb series broke the chart.
  26. Fixed #8731, boosted area displayed beyond pane when threshold was outside pane.
  27. Fixed #8742, glitch in stack label overlapping detection.
  28. Fixed #8768, missing ticks at the end of datetime axes if local system was in a half-hour time zone.
  29. Fixed #8773, background color of scrollable plot are was not extended, caused page background to bleed through.
  30. Fixed #8777, IE7 didn't display pie chart due to badly named some function.
  31. Fixed #8789, a regression causing the axis labels to take up too much space in some cases when using HTML.
  32. Fixed #8791, solid gauge didn't respect updating colorIndex on points.
  33. Fixed #8795, console errors when zoomed in and using Series.setData with redraw set to false.
  34. Fixed #8797, scrolling not available when scrollablePlotArea was combined with responsive options.
  35. Fixed #8809, a regression causing misplaced HTML axis labels after drilling down and up.
  36. Fixed #8818, shared tooltip in boost mode didn't always pick up all points.
  37. Fixed #8820, chart.scrollablePlotArea option didn't play well with title.useHTML and other useHTML cases.
  38. Fixed #8824, make sure checkboxes stay fixed with chart.scrollablePlotArea enabled.
  39. Fixed #8830, orphaned data labels on points outside Y axis range on xrange series.
  40. Fixed #8834, exceptions on rendering stack labels on out-of-scale axis.
  41. Fixed #6794, 'cursor: pointer' wasn't working for data labels with 'useHTML: true'.


23 Jul 10:39
@mll mll
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Version 6.1.1


  1. CSV/PDF export in export-data module.
  2. Asign a dictionary with options to the chart options.
  3. Fixed #90 (chart auto update on options change).
  4. HIFunction with event param as a context for events.


  1. Added new feature, proximate legend layout, to allow placing legend items close to the data series.
  2. Added new option, tooltip.outside, to allow the tooltip to render outside the confinement of the chart area. Closes #5784.
  3. Added clearer error reporting to offline exporting. Closes #8226.
  4. Added default for data.weight in Word Cloud.
  5. Added feature, event ordering for controlling what handler runs first when multiple modules are used.
  6. Added new default behaviour for sunburst data labels, rotationMode: 'auto'. Now the best fit will be calculated. See #8502.
  7. Added support for polar parallel coordinate charts (star plots).
  8. Added symbol for month number without leading zero. Closes #8150.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #4377, exporting context menu did not hide on button click.
  2. Fixed #8021, missing points after zoom in scatter 3d.
  3. Fixed #8031, columns overlapped xAxis.
  4. Fixed #8042, axis labels had the same slot width on 3d charts
  5. Fixed #8140, series legend items didn't show up when colorAxis.showInlegend was false.
  6. Fixed #8159, useHTML caused that treemap data label was misplaced
  7. Fixed #8163, added xAxis.reversedStacks option to control stacks order within a columns group.
  8. Fixed #8173, crosshair did not work properly with variwide.
  9. Fixed #8173, missing unit test.
  10. Fixed #8181, wordcloud missed large words.
  11. Fixed #8187, stackLabels in bar chart were misaligned.
  12. Fixed #8210, a regression causing axis labels to not expand after having ellipsis.
  13. Fixed #8214, missing space character before tracker class definition.
  14. Fixed #8234, a regression causing overlapping X axis labels on drilldown.
  15. Fixed #8241, use secure URLs in themes.
  16. Fixed #8243, the way of calculating axis slotWidth changed.
  17. Fixed #8245, regression causing data.parsed callback not being called on loading Google Spreadsheets.
  18. Fixed #8273, offline export bug due to nested function wrap.
  19. Fixed #8276, wrong z-index for halo in styled mode.
  20. Fixed #8277, missing top neck of reversed funnel.
  21. Fixed #8330, overlapping pie data labels due to a bug in the label distribution algorithm.
  22. Fixed #8358, export icon was not disabled using responsive rule.
  23. Fixed #8365, indicator calculated wrong values for long and short sma.
  24. Fixed #8377, chart disappeared after resizing a hidden chart inside a padded div.
  25. Fixed #8392, plotbands update zIndex issue.
  26. Fixed #8393, annotations are not exported when added dynamically.
  27. Fixed #8402, boost not rendering well with bubble chart and missing z values.
  28. Fixed #8406, colorAxis did not get new series extremes after chart update.
  29. Fixed #8407, scatter series added to a 3D chart via chart.addSeries was not converted to a scatter3d series.
  30. Fixed #8415, className option did not work on plot lines.
  31. Fixed #8428, pie chart slice did not show after visibility changes.
  32. Fixed #8438, combination charts from CSV didn't lay out properly without seriesMapping.
  33. Fixed #8444, axis title rendered a title tag when wrapped across two or more lines.
  34. Fixed #8456, improved 3d projection matrix property.
  35. Fixed #8467, regression causing long axis labels being clipped when using HTML in combination with whiteSpace: nowrap.
  36. Fixed #8477, plot line labels didn't work in browsers that support Array.prototype.flat.
  37. Fixed #8478, a regression causing duplicated legend items when using color axis and dynamically adding series.
  38. Fixed #8481, chart update with type: bar didn't work.
  39. Fixed #8494, incorrect assignment in data export for multiple pie charts.
  40. Fixed #8515, padding was not applied to data labels in sunburst series.
  41. Fixed #8531, random data labels in sunburst chart were hidden.
  42. Fixed #8181, regression with drilling up by clicking root node in Sunburst.
  43. Fixed build scripts which returned to early, instead of waiting for promise to resolve.
  44. Fixed disabling animation in pattern fills.
  45. Fixed export menu rendering below axis when scrollablePlotArea was used. See #8316.
  46. Fixed issue where image patterns could not have translucent opacity with default animation.
  47. Fixed issue with scrollablePlotArea being applied on exported charts. See #8316.
  48. Fixed issue with image patterns in IE not always being shown if images were cached.
  49. Fixed issue with initialValue was always supplied to reduce.
  50. Fixed scrollablePlotArea, the scroll jumped back to original scrollPositionX after toggling series. See #8316.
  51. Fixed stuck series labels.


19 Apr 07:28
@mll mll
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Version 6.1.0

Development version containing x86_64 and i386 architectures for simulator operation.


  1. Added feature for loading data directly from a CSV URL or JSON resource, and keeping it dynamically updated through the data.enablePolling option.
  2. Added examples of themes with styled mode: dark-unica, sand-signika, grid-light.
  3. Added feature to animate the series when updating data through Series.setData, Series.update or Chart.update. The new logic looks for matching X values and can be disabled through setData's updatePoints option.
  4. Added Open in Cloud functionality in the export-data module.
  5. Added pattern fill module.
  6. Added new feature, chart.scrollablePlotArea, to provide smooth scrolling of data on small devices.
  7. Added animation parameter to Chart.update.
  8. Added default max-width for pie data labels to avoid long labels squeezing the pie itself.
  9. Added new option, data.beforeParse, to allow modifying the CSV when using the data.csvURL option.
  10. Added new option, legend.alignColumns, providing better default layout for multiline horizontal legends.
  11. Added support for Infinity and -Infinity values for plotOptions.area.threshold, to make the area extend towards either Y axis extreme. Closes #8139.
  12. Added support for nested series.keys.
  13. Added options minFontSize and maxFontSize to Wordcloud.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #7792 #7791, inverted charts not clipping correctly in Boost.
  2. Added max distance to the label distribution function, so pie data labels and flags are not drawn too far away from the anchor point.
  3. Fixed #4881, data labels with useHTML caused recursion error in Firefox on Windows.
  4. Fixed #7026, export-data did not work when the boost module was active.
  5. Fixed #7103, dataLabels not cropped outside extremes.
  6. Fixed #7186, added new build script to dist task. Build and includes es-modules in distribution.
  7. Fixed #7362, dataLabels were overlapping when rotation was set.
  8. Fixed #7383, SVG title tag not configurable.
  9. Fixed #7491, missing words in Wordcloud because of too small playing field.
  10. Fixed #7604, axes ticks were wrongly aligned when startOnTick or endOnTick were set to alse.
  11. Fixed #7639, wrong extremes after repeated zoom in scatter charts.
  12. Fixed #7798, stack labels weren't correctly positioned with multiple yAxis
  13. Fixed #7850, legacy IE wasn't getting classes of DOM elements correctly.
  14. Fixed #7857, panning was not working when xAxis was reversed.
  15. Fixed #7862, connector lines were not visible in waterfall series when negativeColor was used.
  16. Fixed #7874, wrong legend item positions when using HTML after setting chart size.
  17. Fixed #7894, legend.verticalAlign top failed with no chart title.
  18. Fixed #7896, streamgraph rendering and tooltip issues with single series.
  19. Fixed #7898, drillup button with long text was not correctly aligned after multi-level drilldown.
  20. Fixed #7906, error in gauge chart if no yAxis.labels config was provided in styled mode.
  21. Fixed #7931, error in series-label module when animating while chart was destroyed.
  22. Fixed #7933, setting startPoint dynamically failed when data set was empty initially.
  23. Fixed #7942, yAxis ticks and title had wrong positions after toggling series visibility.
  24. Fixed #7957, custom buttons in exporting didn't rescale image symbols.
  25. Fixed #7965, could not toggle the chart.reflow option dynamically with chart.update().
  26. Fixed #7968, a regression causing ellipsis setting not to work.
  27. Fixed #7975, long pie chart data labels were not correctly truncated, and could not be disabled.
  28. Fixed #7986, invalid exported CSS when using comma item delimiter and best-guess decimal point in European locales.
  29. Fixed #7991, treemap had wrong root on export.
  30. Fixed #7996, polar chart with particular values was rendered wrong.
  31. Fixed #8008, drilldown data points set as arrays with keys failed.
  32. Fixed #8014, Chart.setTitle didn't result in legend position updating.
  33. Fixed #8060, markers flickering after setData() when redraw was deferred.
  34. Fixed #8073, animation of graph with center step was distorted.
  35. Fixed #8075, adding and removing axes dynamically caused redraw error.
  36. Fixed #8083, wrong crosshair width and position for variwide chart.
  37. Fixed #8092, plotOptions.bubble.sizeByAbsoluteValue did not render bubbles when z-values were very close.
  38. Fixed #8100, arearange markers did not correctly support negativeColor and zones.
  39. Fixed #8101, wrong decimal separator in tooltip with multiple values.
  40. Fixed #8104, selected state attributes for a point were not applied in xrange series.
  41. Fixed #8106, context was not preserved inside lin2log and log2lin axis functions.
  42. Fixed #8119, point class name was not applied to the halo and connector.
  43. Fixed #8129, yAxis with tickPixelInterval=1 rendered tick close to zero instead of zero.
  44. Fixed Series.update to support soft series name without recreating series.
  45. Fixed data module failing to initialize chart when the data config was empty.
  46. Fixed errors in plugins when destroying a chart from its own callback.
  47. Fixed issue with legend navigation sometimes not focusing for single legend item charts.
  48. Fixed issues with resizing points with autocalculated pattern dimensions.


27 Mar 10:26
@mll mll
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  • Chart update feature: changing any object from the chart's options causes the chart to be updated automatically.
    Also added a method updateOptions for updating the chart options manually.
  • Functions feature: added support for Objective-C/Swift blocks in HIFunction.
  • New api reference (documentation).


22 Nov 15:01
@mll mll
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Bitcode support enabled

18 May 16:04
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Now you can archive your app with bitcode enabled.

Bitcode fix

17 May 16:36
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Now bitcode bug should be fixed

Instance from storyboard allowed

16 May 10:49
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Use [chartView loadChart] to load options


25 Apr 07:43
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Delete Highcharts.json