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Releases: highcharts/highcharts-ios


14 Jun 12:52
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  1. Fixed #201, Crash of 7.1.2.


13 Jun 10:41
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Version 7.1.2


  1. Fixed #180, added DataLabelsOptionsObject options for the series data labels.
  2. Fixed #181, HIChartView update method crash.
  3. Fixed #182, Warning: Umbrella header for module 'Highcharts' does not include headers.
  4. Fixed #186, HIChartView crash.
  5. Fixed #194, Memory Leaks in HIChartView.
  6. Fixed #200, typo in docs.


  1. Added new feature, vertically scrollable plot area. This adds native scrolling features vertically, and is enabled using the chart.scrollablePlotArea.minHeight setting.
  2. Deprecated the labels option in favor of annotations, see #10429.
  3. Added stack labels feature to waterfall series (#3165).
  4. Added auto alignment for solid gauges with two labels, see #10635.
  5. Improved performance for exporting packedbubble series.
  6. Added series.nodes[index].remove() method to networkgraph series to remove a node with all connected links. See #10565.
  7. Added support for percentage value in yAxis.labels.distance option for gauge series. See #10587.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #9269, problems with grid axis update. Modified the columns logic in GridAxis to only add one column (the master) to the public axes array, and the remaining to an internal columns array.
  2. Fixed issue with wrong clipping of inverted scrollable plot area (see #10786).
  3. Fixed #8607, tooltip was masked at the edges of the chart when chart.scrollablePlotArea was active. Changed the tooltip.outside option to default to true when using scrollable plot area.
  4. Fixed #10741, overlapping networkgraph points were dissappearing.
  5. Fixed #8417, stacked columns were overlapping after update to 3D.
  6. Fixed #9396, could not disable series label animation. Animation is now set to 20% of series.options.animation duration initially, and equal to chart.options.animation on updates.
  7. Fixed issue with sorting of events when addEvent was called with parameter options.order value of undefined.
  8. Fixed #3881, plotOptions.series trumped plotOptions[type] in chart instance options.
  9. Fixed #10669, sunburst didn´t show error when duplicate point id's were used.
  10. Fixed #8897, 3D columns were not visible when first series was initially hidden.
  11. Fixed #10491, responsive rules were ignored when colorAxis updated.
  12. Fixed #10737, exporting sunburst's data to CSV did not include points with the same name.
  13. Fixed #10713, initializing annotations in responsive rules didn't work.
  14. Fixed #9198, zones and negative color were not applied after series.setData.
  15. Fixed #10712, solid gauge data labels rendered below center by default. They are now vertically centered. Changed dataLabels.y default to 0.
  16. Fixed #10715, column collapsed after drilldown when the X axis labels became longer.
  17. Fixed issue with accessibility features not working for series without markers.
  18. Fixed #10696, sometimes series animation was missing when updating points via Series.setData().
  19. Fixed #10361, a regression causing clipping of the export menu below the chart.
  20. Fixed #10646, plotOptions.column.minPointLength drew zero points as negative.
  21. Fixed #10062, packed bubble series ignored lang.thousandsSep.
  22. Fixed #10630, null point was drawn in solid gauge.
  23. Fixed issue where accessible proxy buttons were wrongly positioned in some browsers.
  24. Fixed #10625, setData() in networkgraph series caused simulation to run from the initial state.
  25. Fixed #10637, the accessibility module increased the chart size.
  26. Fixed #10624, updating sankey while hovering a link caused errors.
  27. Fixed #10633, panning on mobile devices did not work when xAxis.max or xAxis.min options were set.
  28. Fixed #10628, adding annotations in chart's callback threw errors.
  29. Fixed #10572, dataRefreshRate didn't work properly for Google Spreadsheets.
  30. Fixed #10574, connectNulls could not be disabled in area with percent stacking.
  31. Fixed #10536, setting time on a chart instance altered global time.
  32. Fixed #10571, split tooltip didn't change stroke color while hovering when points in a single series had different colors.
  33. Fixed #10569, regression that caused missing series line after removing zones.
  34. Fixed #10516, extreme large zoom in Chrome did not render yAxis labels after zooming out.
  35. Fixed #10482, enhancement demo to adding points and lines.
  36. Fixed #10540, pie series did not animate slices when toggling legend items.
  37. Fixed #10545, networkgraph.dataLabels.linkTextPath did not remove artifical border around label.


12 Apr 12:09
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Version 7.1.1


  1. Added external JS dependencies: svg2pdf, jspdf, rgbColor, export-csv, moment, moment-timezone-with-data.


  1. Added Organization Chart series type.
  2. Added Item Chart series type for visualizing item counts and parliaments.
  3. Added Dependency Wheel series type.
  4. Added Timeline series type.
  5. Added 3D Pyramid and 3D Funnel series types.
  6. Accessibility - improved experience for screen reader users, support for dynamic data and drilldown, as well as support for voice input software.
  7. Added inactive states to series and points, allowing other series to be dimmed when the user is hovering the data or legend.
  8. Added levels to sankey series.
  9. Added add, afterUpdate and remove.
  10. Added full screen capabilities to exporting module.
  11. Added option
  12. Added option xAxis.margin to ensure a distance between multiple axes on the same side.
  13. Added options plotOptions.sankey.borderWidth and sankey.borderColor for sankey nodes.
  14. Added force directed algorithm for improved packing of packed bubble charts.
  15. Added support for nested packed bubbles.
  16. Added Verlet integration for network graphs. Generally improved network graph algorithms.
  17. Added data labels to links in network graphs.
  18. Added new option, chart.scrollablePlotArea.opacity, to control opacity of the scrollable mask. See #10416.

Framework upgrade notes:

  1. Changed default X axis tickWidth option. Now tick marks are not rendered by default on category axes. Set the tickWidth to 1 to bring back the old behaviour.
  2. Renamed plotOptions.treemap.drillUpButton to traverseUpButton.
  3. Changed default states.inactive.opacity for map and mapline series to prevent dimming map shapes.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #10009, wrong tooltip size with useHTML and varying text lengths.
  2. Fixed #10010, series.update destroyed points and lost their event handlers.
  3. Fixed #10031, long dataLabels for pie with useHTML: true, were generated with width less than 0.
  4. Fixed #10052, chart printing failed with error on IE11.
  5. Fixed #10055, exporting custom annotation did not work for other types than SVG.
  6. Fixed #10063, proximate legend layout did not account for axis top setting.
  7. Fixed #10081, chart with parallelCoordinates was not resizing properly after update.
  8. Fixed #10082, points below Y axis min in polar charts were drawn incorrectly.
  9. Fixed #10101, bubble legend was duplicated with map module.
  10. Fixed #10106, issue with the showEmpty feature.
  11. Fixed #10107, legend navigation required overly precise clicks/touches.
  12. Fixed #10115, vector and wind barb series didn't handle the clip option.
  13. Fixed #10127, treemap removed old classNames on update.
  14. Fixed #10131, error in draggable points after updating series.
  15. Fixed #10160, stacking null points from the same series threw unhandled exception.
  16. Fixed #10163, series.setData() did not remove old nodes for a networkgraph.
  17. Fixed #10167, a regression causing unwanted padding on top of legends in some cases.
  18. Fixed #10187, setData didn't update data when old data had null values and the same length.
  19. Fixed #10213, relative chart height didn't apply in responsive chart.
  20. Fixed #10220, visible parts on charts inside an element with visibility: hidden.
  21. Fixed #10225, histogram produced additional bin on the end.
  22. Fixed #10232, solid gauge series had wrong legend symbol.
  23. Fixed #10243, offline export failed with boost and hidden series.
  24. Fixed #10246, boost culling issue.
  25. Fixed #10265, class names were applied multiple times to elements, causing selected pies not to unselect after redraw.
  26. Fixed #10273, changing live data settings dynamically didn't take effect.
  27. Fixed #10282, overlap larger than smallest circle in venn diagrams.
  28. Fixed #10283, click events were not applied on scatter points with base tag present in Firefox.
  29. Fixed #10286, responsive setting of showInLegend failed.
  30. Fixed #10302, plot line events did not fire if the lines were initially outside visible range.
  31. Fixed #10312, keyboard navigation with no data.
  32. Fixed #10342, HTML split tooltip did not fade after series update if formatter returned a string.
  33. Fixed #10347, annotation-bindings were not compatible with IE11.
  34. Fixed #10352, replaced Math.sign() in networkgraph source code for IE compatibility.
  35. Fixed #10417, simulation for packed bubble series did not stop when exporting chart.
  36. Fixed #6234, some presentational options were not settable in zones in column series.
  37. Fixed #6404, plot band labels were not aligned correctly in gauge chart.
  38. Fixed #6894, yAxis.softMax didn't take effect on the other side of the zero plane.
  39. Fixed #7048, tooltips didn't appear on null values in heatmap when in boost mode.
  40. Fixed #7895, renamed and documented option in export-data module responsible for series data visibility in exported chart data - includeInDataExport.
  41. Fixed #8766, chart crashed when misconfiguring plotOptions.
  42. Fixed #8864, connectorColor didn't work for individual points.
  43. Fixed #9087, malformed exported SVG when SVG elements were added inside useHTML labels.
  44. Fixed #9128, #10025, histogram series had incorrect amount of free space between points.
  45. Fixed #9233, data labels and tooltip formatting was not supported for null points in heatmap.
  46. Fixed #9880, hover animation on xrange points was incorrect.
  47. Fixed #9917, chart.update with initial pane options did not change the pane.
  48. Fixed #9962, line series was not rendered in the boost mode, when all points were outside the extremes.
  49. Fixed #9978, horizontal scrollbar on RTL charts with a11y module.
  50. Fixed #10161, wrong extremes in single category axis.
  51. Fixed #10432, missing category name in tooltip when using boost module.
  52. Fixed #10466, reset zoom button moved offscreen when using scrollablePlotArea.
  53. Fixed #10471, pareto series wasn't rendering when baseSeries was set to first series by 0 number.
  54. Fixed #10496, data labels animated when series animation was turned off.
  55. Fixed #10504, after deselecting a column, inactive state was used instead of normal state.
  56. Fixed #10506, named colors did not work in boost mode.
  57. Fixed #4608, boost module highlighted wrong point on hover when chart was inverted. Added support for reversed axes in boost.
  58. Fixed #5268, series.threshold = null was ignored in boost mode.
  59. Fixed #6963, boost with enabled useGPUTranslations rendered incrorrectly when yAxis was logarithmic type.
  60. Fixed #9795, updating chart.spacing didn't reflow all elements.
  61. Fixed issue with range selector and time zones, test results were different depending on time zone.
  62. Fixed performance issue with sankey chart.


07 Feb 13:35
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Version 7.0.3


  1. Fixed #156, HIColor outputs the wrong color.
  2. Fixed HIFunction bug.


  1. Added option
  2. Added option xAxis.margin to ensure a distance between multiple axes on the same side.

Framework upgrade notes:

  1. Renamed plotOptions.treemap.allowDrillToNode to allowTraversingTree to avoid confusion with the drilldown module that has a different behaviour.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #10006, wrong intersection position in venn.
  2. Fixed #10038, series labels didn't fit on area series when rendered on data extreme.
  3. Fixed #3417, label text-anchor with empty align attribute was set to undefined.
  4. Fixed #7048, tooltips didn't appear on null values in heatmap when in boost mode.
  5. Fixed #7872, pass proper parameters to animation step when animation is skipped. Resolved issue with wrong column chart placement when rendered in a hidden tab.
  6. Fixed #9823, disabled draggable triggered drop event.
  7. Fixed #9838, dissappearing traverseUpButton.
  8. Fixed #9930, warnings of deprecated e.returnValue in Chrome console.
  9. Fixed #9944, incorrect Y axis extremes after zooming X axis with a column series.
  10. Fixed #9964, title top margin applied when text was empty.
  11. Fixed #9978, horizontal scrollbar on RTL charts with a11y module.
  12. Fixed ARIA for show/hide legend items.
  13. Fixed draggable points capturing click events.
  14. Fixed endless recursion in sankey charts on circular data. See #8218.
  15. Fixed issue with series event handlers not surviving series.update. Partial fix for #10010.


30 Jan 12:51
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Version 7.0.2


  1. Chart update feature for arrays: changing any object from the chart's options inside an array causes the chart to be updated automatically.
  2. Added methods from Highcharts JS for classes: HIChartView, HIAnnotations, HIXAxis, HIYAxis, HIZAxis, HILegend, HIPlotLines, HIPlotBands, HIPoint, HISeries.
  3. Added possibility to add custom fonts.
  4. Added an optional property synced to 'synchronously' render the chart.


  1. Added jitter feature to scatter plots.
  2. Added feature to set legend.width as a percentage, and restrain the default width to 50% for legends at the sides of the chart.
  3. Added overlap stacking to waterfall charts.
  4. Fixed #143, borderWidth not functioning properly.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #6817, point click event didn't fire on the first touch.
  2. Fixed #7253, long legend titles were not wrapped, pushing the legend out of the chart.
  3. Fixed #7860, pointPlacement was not implemented for heatmap.
  4. Fixed #8160, treemap data labels overflowed on long words.
  5. Fixed #9617, chart update in responsive mode caused some of the responisve options noneffective.
  6. Fixed #9685, maximum call stack exceeded in venn diagrams in certain cases.
  7. Fixed #9694, tooltip was clipped when using the outside option and different series types.
  8. Fixed #9709, missing values when exporting data in venn.
  9. Fixed #9718 and #9768, incorrect overlap calculations in venn diagrams in some cases.
  10. Fixed #9728, incorrect handling of negative Z values in bubble chart styled mode.
  11. Fixed #9747, a regression causing upper area range data labels to get stuck after redrawing.
  12. Fixed #9749, memory building up and animation deferred on hidden pages.
  13. Fixed #9758, no-data module was ignoring boost points.
  14. Fixed #9761, X axis labels overlapped on polar chart with dense categories.
  15. Fixed #9762, series was referencing public object for userOptions and some updates were working in an unexpected way.
  16. Fixed #9779, rendering bug in svg2pdf.js caused filled rectangles in offline-exported PDF.
  17. Fixed #9794, wordcloud series didn't support state options.
  18. Fixed #9798, added ability to change options for particular link and improved nodes docs for networkgraph series.
  19. Fixed #9801, networkgraph was not compatible with no-data module.
  20. Fixed #9803, networkgraph throwing maximum call stack error with cyclical links.
  21. Fixed #9815, performance problem with series labels.
  22. Fixed #9818, bad rendering of sankey chart with unordered data.
  23. Fixed #9835, axis disappeared on rotating labels 180 degrees.
  24. Fixed #9841, a regression causing the Y axis to shrink in certain cases when setting xAxis.tickAmount.
  25. Fixed #9841, tickAmount axis option wasn't properly supporting false values for startOnTick and endOnTick.
  26. Fixed #9849, improved line height handling with non-pixel font-size units.
  27. Fixed #9861, error when updating the X value of data points that had an ID.
  28. Fixed #9869, tooltip on xrange series type was having misplaced point anchor due to some xAxis options. Closes #9727.
  29. Fixed #9871, a regression causing the chart width to be miscalculated when the container had a transform.
  30. Fixed an issue in series-label placement logic, labels gravitated to the right.


04 Jan 11:58
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Version 7.0.1

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #4119, autogenerated series names were incorrect when index was used.
  2. Fixed #9572, chart with shared tooltip and boost module crashed when updating data and tooltip.
  3. Fixed #9636, boosted heatmap combination charts did not work.
  4. Fixed #9654, a regression causing charts to fail in old IE.
  5. Fixed #9678, a regression causing errors in bubble chart with all negative values.
  6. Fixed #9680, a regression causing chart generation to crash with wrong type on series config.
  7. Fixed #9690, a regression causing chart.scrollablePlotArea to fail in desktop browsers in v7.0.0.
  8. Fixed #9711, options argument was mutated after calling chart.update.


14 Dec 12:03
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Version 7.0.0


  1. Added sonification to the accessibility features.
  2. Added bubble legends, legend items descibinb the scale of the bubbles.
  3. Added feature to match points by id when running setData.
  4. Added new series type force directed graph or network graph.
  5. Added new series type packed bubble.
  6. Added new series type 3D cylinder.
  7. Added new series type venn diagram.
  8. Added new series type pyramid chart.
  9. Added editor features for annotations, allowing annotations to be added, updated and removed through a GUI.
  10. Added debug module for making chart errors visible in the chart.
  11. Default exported chart name is now based on the chart title.
  12. Added option chart.styledMode to replace the previous separate build of styled mode files.
  13. Added options to align pie chart data labels to the edges of the chart.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Corrected chart width for sub-pixel container width. Prevented overflow in flex-grids and table cells.
  2. Fixed #2617, wrong number of pages in legend with legend.maxHeight in some cases.
  3. Fixed #5293, pointBreak event for broken-axis module was not working for columnrange series type in case highcharts-more was loaded before broken-axis module.
  4. Fixed #5857, drilling down column charts to more than the cropThreshold caused lost categories on the X axis.
  5. Fixed #8105, split tooltip header couldn't be removed by options.
  6. Fixed #8680, responsive rules were not applied on annotations.
  7. Fixed #8818, shared tooltips in boost with column series.
  8. Fixed #9046, force boost check now takes plotOptions.series.visible into account.
  9. Fixed #9121, overlapping text labels with useHTML and styled mode.
  10. Fixed #9150, heatmap points were misplaced when using boost module without WebGL.
  11. Fixed #9156, export data download failed on iOS.
  12. Fixed #9197, no series animation on calling Chart.update with repeated options.
  13. Fixed #9200, errors in the console with small height and zones or negative colors.
  14. Fixed #9211, inverted heatmap in boost mode had wrong size when WebGL was disabled.
  15. Fixed #9226, Wrong number of series with indexex after update.
  16. Fixed #9247, console error on empty data labels in area range.
  17. Fixed #9248, on series hide/show yAxis extremes were not updated.
  18. Fixed #9252, added missing documentation.
  19. Fixed #9258, remove use of id in default treemap data labels.
  20. Fixed #9270, series were removed from configuration options when invoking stock, map or gantt charts.
  21. Fixed #9278, drag and drop failing on mobile.
  22. Fixed #9289, avoid animating drilldown in wordcloud.
  23. Fixed #9291, correctly rounded default dataLablels for xrange series type.
  24. Fixed #9298, zooming problems with drag and drop.
  25. Fixed #9300, JS error when updating sankey series before it had been redrawn.
  26. Fixed #9301, regression in tooltip.headerFormat for xrange series.
  27. Fixed #9375, invalid attribute on SVG elements in solid gauge series.
  28. Fixed #9400, tooltip box border issues when defining font size inline.
  29. Fixed #9410, when using step in boost, the first point was wrong.
  30. Fixed #9481, annotations attached to hidden points were visible.
  31. Fixed #9485, selected state was not preserved after drilling down and up.
  32. Fixed #9487, category axis didn't update when more data than the cropThreshold. Closed #6926.
  33. Fixed #9504, some links rendered broken on inverted Sankey diagram.
  34. Fixed #9525, wrong number of points after update zoomed chart.
  35. Fixed #9533, printing chart via the export menu failed when scrollablePlotArea was active.
  36. Fixed #9537, ellipsis not applied to X axis labels when useHTML was true.
  37. Fixed #9562, wrong categories and data to axis mapping with uniqueNames and drilldown.
  38. Fixed #9565, dot delimiter on dates in CSV caused the format deduction to fail.
  39. Fixed #9618, setExtremes should trump axis.ceiling.
  40. Fixed #9623, 3D pie chart didn't hide when rendering inside a div with visibility: hide.
  41. Fixed #9166, off-screen markers clamped to plot width in boost.
  42. Fixed #9206, draggable points did not work with dynamic series.
  43. Fixed issue with a11y module sometimes throwing exception on init.


21 Nov 11:04
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Version 6.2.0


  1. All style options are of type HICSSObject.


  1. Added support for multiple data labels on each single point.
  2. Added draggable points plugin as module.
  3. Added support for pointPlacement in X range charts, affecting the category Y axis. Closed #7419.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #2366, improved polar chart yAxis plotLines resize and animation.
  2. Fixed #4281, added information about point in tooltip's headerFormat.
  3. Fixed #6169. cropShoulder was inherited by column series, which set it to 0. Fixed by overriding to 1.
  4. Fixed #6370, category axis with breaks was rendered incorrectly.
  5. Fixed #9049, issue with lines to culled points in boost.
  6. Fixed #9052, conflict between settings boost.enabled and seriesThreshold.
  7. Fixed #9058, error when running chart tests in jsdom.
  8. Fixed #9088, updating a point in a pie chart threw errors when another slice was hovered.
  9. Fixed #9091, showCheckbox didn't work with layout proximate.
  10. Fixed #9097, chart.update error when removing axes and series.
  11. Fixed #9119, dataLabels sometimes overlapped stackLabels.
  12. Fixed animation of grid lines when changing axis extremes. Follow tick marks.


27 Sep 10:11
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Version 6.1.4


  1. Better polyfill for forEach in oldIE. See #8865.

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #2165, legend.labelFormatter was not called when series' visiblity changed.
  2. Fixed #3495, export menu click was wrongly triggering chart's click event.
  3. Fixed #3739, changed rounding method to Math.foor for milliseconds dateFormat to match other date and time formats.
  4. Fixed #5009, performance problem with long text strings and word-wrap.
  5. Fixed #6405, Highcharts crashed when using category axis, small labels.step option and a large data range. Re-introduced error 19.
  6. Fixed #7484, followTouchMove didn't work properly on column series on mobile.
  7. Fixed #7815, data labels were visible even when points were hidden.
  8. Fixed #8652, replace max/min safe integer with max/min value in wordcloud to support IE11.
  9. Fixed #8865, wrong links in sankey chart if the columns didn't start from 0.
  10. Fixed #8874 and #8346, Highcharts.indexOfPolyfill wasn't supporting all required arguments.
  11. Fixed #8901, bubble chart calculated wrong extremes when either xAxis.min or xAxis.max was set.
  12. Fixed #8933, minPointLength squished all ranges to minimum length when xAxis was reversed.
  13. Fixed #8960, animation didn't run on Series.update() with new data.
  14. Fixed #8972, improved a way of assigning data to specific bins in histograms.
  15. Fixed #8994, a regression causing cropped legend items to become long after hover when useHTML was true. Regression since #8809.
  16. Fixed #8995, added support for duplicated x values for Series.setData.
  17. Fixed issue with tooltip header placement when scrollable plot area was activated.


21 Sep 20:49
@mll mll
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Version 6.1.3

Framework bug fixes:

  1. Fixed #1902, make generated source maps visible to the browser.