A POST -> GET proxy for the Buf Schema Registry's GetResourceByName endpoint
We use this proxy at helpwave as a custom datasource for renovate.
Make the following changes to your renovate.json
"customDatasources": {
+ "buf": {
+ "defaultRegistryUrlTemplate": "https://buf-resource-proxy.fly.dev/{{packageName}}",
+ "transformTemplates": ["{\"releases\":[{\"version\": resource.plugin.version }], \"sourceUrl\": resource.plugin.sourceUrl, \"homepage\": $join([\"https://buf.build/\", resource.plugin.owner, \"/\", resource.plugin.name])}"]
+ }
"customManagers": [
+ {
+ "customType": "regex",
+ "fileMatch": ["buf.gen.yaml$"],
+ "matchStrings": [
+ "plugin: buf.build/(?<depName>.*?):(?<currentValue>.+?)\\s"
+ ],
+ "datasourceTemplate": "custom.buf",
+ "versioningTemplate": "semver"
+ }
This is not a helpwave product and https://buf-resource-proxy.fly.dev/
may become unavailable at any time.
You should deploy this on your own and make appropriate changes in the renovate.json
MPL-2.0 licensed