Welcome to the Développement d'applications internet (DAI) course at HEIG-VD, Switzerland!
This course defines the basics of network communication and how all these communications are programmed.
At the end of the course, you will know how to define, program and deploy network applications, how to interact with them, and the different elements to pay attention to make robust applications.
Whether you are in software, security, data science, embedded or network, you will have to deal with network applications (APIs, devices, etc.). This course will give you a solid grounding in this world.
Do not know where to start? Have a look at the main repository for the course!
- Ludovic Delafontaine @ludelafo
- Hadrien Louis @hadrylouis (for class DAI-TIC-B)
- Géraud Silvestri @GeraudSilvestri (for class DAI-TIC-C)
As of the fall semester 2024-2025, the course is taught to two different classes.
The course is given on Monday mornings, from 8:30 to 12:00, in J01 - Check schedule on GAPS.
The students are:
- Kénan Augsburger @Mondotosz
- Emily Baquerizo @AEBaq
- Tristan Baud @NATSIIRT
- Alex Berberat @AlexB-HEIG
- Kimberly Beyeler @Kurosakiim
- Basile Buxtorf @BasileBux
- Nicolas Carbonara @Syseria
- Florian Chollet @luma2010
- Leonard Cseres @leonardcser
- Alexandre Delétraz @Nekoth93
- Nils Donatantonio @nilsdonatantonio
- Mathieu Emery @mathieuemery
- Robin Forestier @Forestierr
- Esteban Giorgis @EstebanGiorgis
- Lisa Gorgerat @LisaGorgerat
- Adam Gruber @AdamoElProfesor
- Benjamin Kocher @BKo1706
- Dorian Kury @nairod22
- Aude Laydu @eau2
- Antoine Leresche @A2va
- Maxime Lestiboudois @MaximeLesti
- Mathéo Lopez @MathLopez
- Colin Moschard @colinmoschard
- Victor Nicolet @Vicolet
- Nathan Parisod @Nat004499
- Axel Pittet @Axwells
- Drin Racaj @drinracaj
- Pierric Ripoll @Nyaaw
- Mário André Rocha Ferraria @Thynkon
- Evan Rothen @EVAN-ROTHEN
- David Schildböck @shadowkudo
- Léon Surbeck @Bananonymous
- Jonathan Thiébaud @JONATHAN-THIEBAUD
- Arno Tribolet @arnoheigvd
- Nathan Wulliamoz @nathan-heig
The course is given on Friday mornings, from 8:30 to 12:00, in J01 - Check schedule on GAPS.
The students are:
- Pedro Alves da Silva @PedroAS7
- Antoine Aubry @calystoxi
- Urs Behrmann @UBehrmann
- David Berger @Davtek11
- Nicolas Bovard @nicolasbvd
- Sara Camassa @scamassa
- Gonçalo Carvalheiro Heleno @lentidas
- Gianni Cecchetto @GianniCecchetto
- Yoann Changanaqui @Yoy017
- Nicolas Duprat @skyrag
- Florian Duruz @Cat-du-Fromage
- Dani Tiago Faria dos Santos@Dansnts
- Guillaume Fragnière @GFragniere
- Louis Haye@Artotrogo
- Kilian Froidevaux @kilianfroideva
- Aladin Iseni @aladin-heig
- Arthur Jacobs @Arthur2479
- Léonard Jouve @LeonardJouve
- Dylan Langumier @Dylan-Langumier
- Rodrigo Lopes dos Santos @RodrigoLopesDos
- Raphaël Perret @rp2709
- Mathieu Rabot @Nomeos
- Thirusan Rajadurai @Thiru-sama
- Zaïd Schouwey @zaidschouwey98
- Thomas Stäheli @thomasstaheli
- Camille Theubet @CamilleThHEIG
- Nathan Tschantz @TschantzN
- Killian Viquerat @Killian-Viquerat
- Ali Zoubir @Ali-Z0